RIP David O'Harrow

I just learned of his passing today, though I am over a year late.
David Dean O'Harrow -- April 12, 1934 - March 2, 2020
“Mr Hookneck” was a good friend and co-author, with Clyde Hubbard, of the definitive book on Mexican hookneck coins. I will miss him.
Leave your comments here.
And post a hookneck in his memory.
Ex. Dave O'Harrow, ex. Clyde Hubbard, fine men, both.
Yes, both died within a year from each other. RIP.
I'm sorry to read this. The book he co-authored was quite an enjoyable read. RIP.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
One of Dave's lesser-known works is a study entitled "Stars, Dots, and Flowers" from the late 1990s about the various punctuation (if you will) of the legends on Mexican coins. I believe I have a paper copy of one of the drafts, but I can't seem to find the article online anywhere. Since this was the era before PDF (and Dave used Pagemaker, which isn't a common format), I highly doubt an online version exists.
I need to get this interesting study scanned and online.