Autograph cards

I have 2 cards with certificate of authenticity from a Lester P. Shulman of super stars inc. Has anyone here heard of him or this company? I have had these cards for about 15 years, just cant find any information about him or this company.
Never heard of him but that doesn't mean much.
Why not post pics?
Here they are

I don't remember if I picked them up at the moller high school show in Cincinnati or one of the shows in southern Indiana.
Looks like he was a dealer/promoter who had a private signing.
I'd be wary of any COA that doesn't have any contact information of the issuer
... and misses basic things like capitalizing the last name.
It is very possible that the issuer/promoter was/is on the level, but as others have said, the format of the COA leaves a lot to be desired.
That COA is more a statement of provenance, and a simplistic one at that. There is no guarantee of authenticity (i.e. recourse if proven to be a forgery), no address for resolving questions later on, and no one recognizes the issuer so his "expertise" obviously isn't recognized in the field.
There are tons of COAs like that on the market, all basically worthless.
Yeah, I tried to google the name and company but came up empty. The Marino looks good but the Sanders doesn't even come close and a coa can be forged real easy.
Those are saying they were signed "under the supervision" of the mystery company. If one turns out to be fake I would probably assume they both are.
"Under the supervision" ... just what is that supposed to mean?
Sorry - I don’t like either of these signatures. Both look pretty off to me. A quick comparison to their certified signatures should make it apparent to the collector.