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[WTB]$2.5 Indians in rattlers; 36 PR65 Mercury Rattler; White rattlers; DH Flips; Doilies; Black NGC

sniocsusniocsu Posts: 1,291 ✭✭✭

Looking for some $2.5 Indians in Rattler holders and a 1936 PR65 or PR66 Mercury Dime in a rattler - preferably Gold CAC. Also; looking for other interesting old rattlers. Offer ANY white rattlers!


Also; Would like to buy David Hall flips, White Rattler Holders (for insane premiums), Doily Holders, and normal Rattlers. I buy rare NGC holders too!!!

White Rattler holders; the serial number on the rattler holder starts with a 108XXXXX. The first coin in the attached album is an example. Also looking for Doily holders — the second image is an example of this type of holder. Looking for any coins in a rattler holder — if you have any to offer; I would like to know about them. I offer significantly higher than the coin’s value for the White rattlers and Doily holders. I do pay premiums for uncommon Rattler holdered coins. Please offer.

I am looking for any NGC Black label or White label holders; once again I pay significant premiums.

Also; I collect early US coins; this includes colonials. If you have any US coinage made before 1820 that you would consider selling; I would like to hear about it.

I look forward to hearing about what you have to offer.
Thank you!


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