HELP Price a 34 piece1970 Variety set of Pennies and 1 dime Receive a 1971 Proof 69 1/2 Dollar PCGS
Here is a list of a collection that I have been putting together over the last 12 years. Price it out and I will send you a 1971 Proof 69 1/2 dollar. I will pick a nice one. My email address is No need to know the Grading company, I am only going to be adding more to it!!!!!! Toners ect'
Thanks to all for your help over the years when I was a Grader for PCGS.
Rick Stewart
******This may help a little bit, I don't know how to price these things, but do know how to organize! Tried to paste from Excel, but this is what i got!
1 Cent RD MS-66 1970 MS
1 Cent RD MS-67 1970 MS
1 Cent RD MS-64 1970-D MS WDDO-011
1 Cent RD MS-66 1970-D MS
1 Cent RB MS-63 1970-S MSLGDT
1 Cent RD MS-65 1970-S MSLGDT
1 Cent RD MS-66 1970-S MSLGDT
1 Cent PF MS-68 1981-S DCAM Type 2
10 Cent MS-65 1970-D MSDDR FS 802, Die 4
1 Cent RD PF-65 1970-S PFSMDT DDO, Die 12
1 Cent RD PF-65 1970-S PFSMDT FS1402
1 Cent RD PF-66 1970-S PFSMDT FS1402
1 Cent RD PF-66 1970-S PFSMDT FS1402
1 Cent RD PF-66 1970-S PFSMDT FS1402
1 Cent RD PF-67 1970-S PFSMDT FS1402
1 Cent RB PF-67 1970-S PFSMDT
1 Cent PF-68 1970-S PFSMDT DDO,Die 12
1 Cent RB PF-65 1970-S PFLGDT
1 Cent RB PF-66 1970-S PFLGDT
1 Cent RD PF-66 1970-S PFLGDT
1 Cent RD PF-67 1970-S PFLGDT
1 Cent CAM PF-67 1970-S PFLGDT
1 Cent CAM PF-67 1970-S PFLGDT
1 Cent RD MS-65 1970-S MSSMDT FS1401
1 Cent RD MS-65 1970-S MSSMDT FS1401
1 Cent RD MS-65 1970-S MSSMDT FS1401
1 Cent RD MS-64 1970-S MSLGDT DDO-017
1 Cent RD MS-64 1970-S MSLGDT DDO-020
1 Cent RD MS-65 1970-S MSLGDT WDDO-004
1 Cent RD MS-66 1970-S MSLGDT WDDO-036
1 Cent RD MS-65 1970-S MS
1 Cent RD MS-65 1970-S MS
1 Cent RD MS-63 1970-S MSLGDT RPM 1, S/S
1 Cent RD MS-66 1970-S MSLGDT RPM 1, S/S, Top 100