Gone to the Dogs

I love the leaping horse of Braunschweig (Brunswick), so I could not resist. The collection of dogs on the other side was a bonus.
Honors flysis Income beezis Onches nobis Inob keesis
I love the leaping horse of Braunschweig (Brunswick), so I could not resist. The collection of dogs on the other side was a bonus.
Nice medal! Look at all the good doggos.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Looks like they spooked the horse.
Nice medal!
Is there a medal of dogs playing poker?
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
You may be thinking of the Fine Arts medals.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Awesome. I just had to pick this one up when I saw it.

Busy chasing Carr's . . . . . woof!
Successful BST transactions with: Bullsitter, Downtown1974, P0CKETCHANGE, Twobitcollector, AKbeez, DCW, Illini420, ProofCollection, DCarr, Cazkaboom, RichieURich, LukeMarshall, carew4me, BustDMs, coinsarefun, PreTurb, felinfoal, jwitten, GoldenEgg, pruebas, lazybones, COCollector, CuKevin, MWallace, USMC_6115, NamVet69, zippcity, . . . . who'd I forget?
Magnificent high relief