What Once Was Lost, Now Is Found

I spent about 15 years trying to find a Clement VI medal like this one. I finally found one, from a German vendor, last October. Took about 4 months to get here! Thought it was lost. Anyway, this medal is a recast, I believe, from the late 18th, early 19th century, when such recasts were popular. A fairly poor one, admittedly, and may even have been part of a series featuring the handing off of the Keys of the Kingdom. Nevertheless, 15 years before finding even this one. Happy camper, me.
Honors flysis Income beezis Onches nobis Inob keesis
Sending some older ones to Heritage in a couple weeks for auction Keep a lookout for them
@angelo43 I certainly will.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Do you know when the original medal was first cast? Was it 1342-52 or much later?
@291fifth I would hesitate to speculate. Theoretically, I suppose, the original would have been cast during the time of the actual papacy, but I have seen the reverse on other recasts. The original may have been cast for a series much later in time.
The medal as an art form did not exist (excepting a couple of precursors) until Pisanello invented it c. 1438/9, and the earliest known contemporary medal of a pope is for Nicholas V (1455).
This piece is from a large "restitution" series of papal medals, which Modesti identifies as Italian and from c. 1590/1600 (CNORP V, no. 1889). There were 13 stock reverse designs that were used to cover the entire series of pontiffs.
Virtus Collection - Renaissance and Baroque Medals
@Iosephus Well darn, I knew you would get back with the answer!