What Are Radar Notes?

There are all kinds of serial numbers that are worth collecting, and one of the most popular types of fancy serial number pieces to collect are called Radar Notes. Radar Notes have palindromic serial numbers like the one seen here:
While all Radar Notes are scarce, the rarest and most desirable tend to be the older notes. Values range depending upon the denomination and age of the banknote as well as its condition. Auction prices and market trends run the gamut from about $25 to $50 for a typical, basic Crisp Uncirculated $1 Radar Note of the contemporary period to more than $500 for a late 20th-century $100 Radar Note.
Full article: https://www.pcgs.com/news/what-are-radar-notes
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Post your RADAR notes.

$1 FRN
I have grown to appreciate radars (partly b/c I've searched in the wild for them myself & partly b/c I've long hoped to acquire them on the various platforms & at LCS, which seldom have them). The longer the string of digits & the more dear they become. I get that b/c of how hard they can be to acquire.
Here's my 2 personal favourites (besides my collection of solids from the Philippines). The 54 is a replacement & 74 is a solid :

**https://sites.google.com/view/notaphilycculture/collecting-banknotes **
Fours and Sixes
A Radar on a replacement note.
As we would say up here in the great white north, those darn radars are "Beauties," boys!

How about matching 2 digit pairs (fours & ones) from an 2002 original & 2006 upgraded series (featuring outdoor hockey)?
**https://sites.google.com/view/notaphilycculture/collecting-banknotes **
Two more
Cool numbers
Descending/Ascending ladder radar anyone?

or 2 digit repeater radar?
**https://sites.google.com/view/notaphilycculture/collecting-banknotes **
nice notes all
Thanks 'johnny9434' & nice big horse blanket add 'numbersman

I'm getting into world radars, including these 2 (Sri Lanka & Guyanna):
**https://sites.google.com/view/notaphilycculture/collecting-banknotes **
A couple more
I may as well get in on this also.
I've owned a couple of nice examples over the years. These were part of my collection at one point, but have since been sold.
Top one only.
Here's one on a red seal.
All are nice but the red seal really stands out!
Excellent Greg!
looking for a bill with serial number 00700700
**https://sites.google.com/view/notaphilycculture/collecting-banknotes **
Hit two more radar notes!!
Bottom one:

Here is a high serial true radar...
If you were to sell, how much would you sell this for?
Value on that one is about $150 since it's a very premium number.
**https://sites.google.com/view/notaphilycculture/collecting-banknotes **
**https://sites.google.com/view/notaphilycculture/collecting-banknotes **
this is a nice note. what is the value of this note if you don't mind me asking?
The Charlton book value of a $10 rotator is listed as $170. But I don't think I would accept that b/c I searched several bricks (several thousand) of the "150" limited edition Commemorative $10 bundles. I often missed about 20-30% of the time catching a 3-4 digit radar (where a radar should have been) b/c the serial numbers jumped all over the place. It was hard to get a simple repeater. I suspect they had production problems b/c of the missing gaps of SN ranges one would see. They stopped printing insert replacements & just resorted to extending the run into a 6th prefix (CDF). 3.2M of these were printed. So to make a long story short, this note would be impossible to replace for me.
Although I'm a big fan of Charlton, it is very tough to find a radar for the 2015 $20 Commemorative too (they went into a 6th short prefix with that series too) but Charlton does not recognize how tough these are. Not even that many collectors bothered to keep these since the only difference between it and a 2012 is in the holographic strip. The pricing panel must have taken a hiatus in adjusting the BV on that commemorative, the "150" Ten & several super short scarce prefixes. It has been 8 years since the Macklem-Carney $10 FTH prefix was released & we are into a new series. 13 of the supposed 8.3M have been reported on the CPMF Serial Number Data Base (SNDB) but the BV remains at $13 for CU. You can read about the tough signature change-overs on the BOC polymer Frontier series here.
**https://sites.google.com/view/notaphilycculture/collecting-banknotes **
you got the radar and I have the repeater and of course your note is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than mine.
Variations on a theme:

Binary Radar Birthday note and on a 20 note too
How about a large size Federal Reserve Bank Note with matching block letters?

That question is rather palindrome