Would you enjoy the fame?

in Sports Talk
If you were a famous professional athlete, would you enjoy being famous? Personally, I would enjoy the money, but I'm not so sure I would enjoy not being able to go out in public without people staring at you and taking pictures of you. I know it comes with the territory, but I don't know. Would you enjoy the fame?
This is a true story, I remember in the 90s one of my uncles was getting married in Virginia. After the wedding, we were all staying at a fancy hotel, so we go to the hotel to check in. The hotel had a fancy restaurant and there were whispers that Linda Hamilton, the star of Terminator, was inside the hotel restaurant eating. I was about 15 years old at the time, so we go to sneak a peek, and sure enough there was Linda Hamilton sitting at a private table eating dinner with someone. Anyway, we stared for a few minutes and I went and sat on some steps while my parents finished checking in. The steps were near an isolated hotel exit and I was just sitting there by myself for about 10 minutes, and I look up, and Linda Hamilton walks right past me. We made eye contact. She was by herself and she was leaving after finishing her meal. I was completely stunned. It all happened so fast and she walked out the exit, and I just sat there in complete shock. True story, I'll never forget it.
Here was the Hotel, it was The Jefferson Hotel, and a picture of the steps I was sitting on. I was at the bottom of the steps and there's an exit to the hotel to the left.
I would enjoy it for the woman throwing themselves at me part of it, but that’s it. I would dress the same, as well as keep the same friends I have.
Never. I had "the fame" in high school, and never once enjoyed it, used it to my advantage, or even thought I was above the rest, even though I was.
I was famous once also. Yes, I was at a high school football game and when the highlights of the game was on the local news, they showed me at the concession stand for a second.
Star QB? Prom King? Do tell...
Yes to prom king and captain of my high school teams. Best soccer and hockey player in town and little league home run champ (hit 8 when I was 12. One into the adjacent field). Hit one when I was 13 that would have cleared right field in Yankees stadium. Full beard in 10th grade. In middle school and high school I had all the prettiest girls in town if I chose to. Here is my 11th grade soccer picture. Guy with a beard sitting under a great coach. Loved that guy.
So you were the guy who went through puberty way before everyone else lol. I remember a couple guys who were like grown men in junior high school lol. Nice resume, what year did you graduate?
Exactly. You couldn’t have said it any better. Those who mature faster have it easier when young and old, because some people never do mature to be honest. Graduated in 1983 from high school and 1987 in college. When I got to college I found out that I was just one of those very good athletes who didn’t feel like killing himself with books and practices to make a living, so I gave up the sports to concentrate on books and my girl.
My only brief brush with any sort of fame came a few years ago when we visited China. I quickly discovered when out sightseeing that I was drawing a crowd. It would always start with a few guys and If I hung around in one spot too long it quickly grew to hundreds. Everyone wanted their picture taken with me. I must admit, it was cool at first, but when 2 or 300 people form a group 360 degrees around you and your family and there is not a quick exit plan, it is a bit creepy.
My wife decided it was because of my looks. I am significantly taller than Chinese nationals ( over 6 feet) fairly stoutly built, about 275 then and I was sporting a full beard that hung down to the top of my chest. She figured people thought I was either a Yeti or a Sasquatch. we continued to sightsee but didn't linger too long in any one spot. Let's just say that Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City took an entire day to see with all of my "fans" in tow.
I was able to come back home and return to being a completely average person again. I do think that if fame came with all of the money I would definitely take it. if it became too much I could always pull a Marlon Brando and disappear.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I was in a TV commercial when i was in the 6th grade for a toy product.
Long story short...the spot ran on a popular TV kids show called Astro Boy. Well of course i told my friends about it, but word spread about it, and after it ran for the first time, i was deluged the next day at school by everyone to talk about my experience, etc.
I enjoyed talking to my friends about it, and for the first day or so i didn't mind a little chat with those who i didn't know at school. However it became an irritating chore to the point that i basically made it clear that i wasn't going to discuss it any longer at school, and word got around quickly and strangers then left me alone.
I mean particularly at recess time, i just wanted to flip baseball cards and play handball against the school wall, rather than talk about the commercial for the countless time.
So i got a taste of fame, and didn't particularly care for it too much.
To this day, I've never bothered or asked a celebrity for an autograph when they are in a public area. For many years at the racetrack, i sat near and knew fairly well Steve Van Buren, the HOF football player, and never asked for his autograph. i just thought, especially based on my experience in the 6th grade, that it would be a rude thing to do. Even though i never saw Steve turn down an autograph.
Believe me, fame has it's downsides. If you're famous people recognize you every where you go. It can become quite tedious.
I didn't ask Linda Hamilton for her autograph because I thought it would be rude. I could see that she probably didn't want to be bothered, she just wanted to have a nice peaceful dinner and be left alone, so I didn't bother her.
Seeing Linda Hamilton made me feel weird because she knows Arnold Schwarzenegger. It felt like a little bit like seeing Arnold. She knows Arnold, I'm looking at someone who has spent time with Arnold, therefore she's really Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I like your reasoning.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I had a nice chat with Darryl Strawberry one time after he left the men's room. it was at a large event and I think he just wanted a breather. I didn't ask for an autograph or a selfie, just a short 3 or 4 minute conversation was good enough for me.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I don't think I could have handled actually talking to Arnold that day. I was just shocked that he walked past me and we made eye contact.
I know that if I ever saw Arnold, I am pretty sure I would just melt into a puddle of jelly and not be able to speak or breathe.
Arnold is the man.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I would have freaked out. Freaked out!
One other celebrity encounter I had was at a Gold's Gym in the mid 90s, I met Ric Flair and got to shake his hand. I was about 16 or so, and I remember he had a strong handshake, he just just about crushed my hand. He just about crushed my little chicken wing!
If Arnold approaches you naked in a bar, and asks for your clothes and motorcycle, i would suggest not to laugh at him.
You would think coming from the future, they would have at least sent him back with a pair of slacks!
dude i read your initial post this morning before you edited it and it made me chuckle. unfortunately i've been unable to respond until now
here ya go, start at :46
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Yes, looking back to that day when Arnold Schwarzenegger passed by me at the hotel and we made eye contact, I would definitely say that some celebrities like the fame and some just want to be anonymous like everyone else. Arnold seemed like he didn't want to be bothered that day, so I left him alone.
Bieber says:
Everybody knows my name now
But somethin' 'bout it still feels strange
Like lookin' in a mirror, tryna steady yourself
And seein' somebody else
And everything is not the same now
It feels like all our lives have changed
Maybe when I'm older, it'll all calm down
But it's killin' me now
What if you had it all
But nobody to call?
Maybe then you'd know me
'Cause I've had everything
But no one's listening
And that's just f- lonely
I'm so lonely
Everybody knows my past now
Like my house was always made of glass
And maybe that's the price you pay
For the money and fame at an early age
And everybody saw me sick
And it felt like no one gave a sh-
They criticized the things I did as an idiot kid
What if you had it all
But nobody to call?
Maybe then you'd know me
'Cause I've had everything
But no one's listening
And that's just f- lonely
I'm so lonely
I'm so lonely
And these are stories that we can tell our kids and even our grandkids some day. I will always look back on my friendship with Arnold Schwarzenegger and cherish it.
You were in HS, probably thinking about math, and unconsciously applying the transitive property.
Been idolized/worshiped would make me sick to my stomach and so would having my life invaded. The money sure but if it came with the other garbage forget it. One could do a lot of good with that type of money sure enjoy some of it as well but doing good is what would be me happy. Helping the poor and animals and other good causes.
Muhammad Ali would be a great example of a good famous person. Why because he did not promote himself and when he did was just a job. He promoted a higher purpose and reason we are here on Earth. That I can respect.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I don't want to be a false idol (worshiped and envied) to me that is just not OK. No thanks!!! Would rather live alone in the woods in a nice place with my pet and good food and camp fires in peace.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
My dream would be to be a one hit wonder. Popular for a bit, forgotten just as quick, able to live off of royalties the rest of my life.
The guy to your right sorta looks like Richard Ramirez "the Night Stalker." LOL
Double post.
When I lived in Marina Del Rey circa 2000, my ex-wife and I saw Arnold walking into the Toys R Us on the Santa Monica Promenade. He was with two young girls who we assumed to be his daughters, Well, needless to say, she was a big Arnold fan and insisted that we go get a closer look (I am really not a big celebrity hound). We slowly make our way behind Arnold and his two daughters as they walked down the aisles looking for something. Finally, we "covertly" get close enough to get a good look at the mega-star and were simply enthralled to hear him say to the girls in his famous Austrian accent, "Why don't we just get her the bicycle????!!!!" with seeming exasperation. There was no "I'll be back" or " Hasta la vista, baby." Arnold was just another frustrated Dad that day. LMAO
On a more personal note, I was neighbors with Todd Walker when I was in graduate school at LSU. We hung out quite a bit back then and even worked out together. He was actually pretty humble and quiet. I do recall an incident at the golf course where a guy came up and asked him for his autograph (this was during the offseason when Todd was the starting 2B for the Twins). Todd reacted quite awkwardly but did give the guy his auto. I'll never forget him turning to me and saying, "Bobby, I just don't know how to act when a grown man comes up and asks me for my autograph. It's weird to me."
LOL Good guy, though through and through. Good times.
It was very shocking. Everyone was staring at her when she was eating in the restaurant. She was at a private table in the back, and then 10 minutes later out of nowhere, she's walking right past me and looks right at me. It was weird. She's knows Arnold, therefore she is Arnold. I know Arnold Schwarzenegger, I'm friends with Arnold Schwarzenegger!
If it would have been Robert Patrick that passed by me on the steps, I would have ran!
I agree, but you look at guys like a Tim Tebow, Bobby Orr, Watt from the Texans, and many, many others who use the platform they've been given to do many good things for charity. Many times unnoticed, and people who are down and out really do appreciate the impact these generous people have on their lives.
Being idolized has it's really bad points. But using your God given talents to take it in stride, and to reach out and do good for others is to be admired also.
I live in the same small city as Stephen King. I do believe he has lived here most of his life because for the most part, people leave him alone. He is getting older now, but in years past, it was not uncommon to see him around town at a grocery store or eating at a restaurant etc. I remember one time I went to see "The Descent" at a late showing and it was myself, my friend and Stephen King and the 2 guys he went with in the movie theatre. Kind of cool watching a horror movie with the King of Horror late at night. He does have a steel fence up around his house, but you really only see the lookie lou's when they pull up in front of the fence to take pictures. the locals tend to give him his space.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Yea, but he's a lousy poker player. Lost his sporting goods store in a poker game.
Great reference.
Somebody's been watching The Sopranos. 🤔
Yea, but Patrick didn't get whacked in that one. LOL
It wouldn't have happened to Doyle Brunson. Doyle would've cleaned the mafia out!
Yes as long as the good outweighs the garbage.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Go and ask Mickey Mantle and see what he says if your farther can't pay the rent.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Well, this thread certainly has been interesting. Now give me your clothes!
Hahahaha!!! Like I said to each his own in life.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I do enjoy Mike Tyson since I did karate for almost 2 decades he is fun to watch in his prime same as Bolo Yeung and a few others. Tyson as he gets older he is more chilled out and funny. But as far as worship goes I don't and I don't envy them either.

NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Would have loved to see these 2 fight full contact in MMA against each other. Although maybe not one of the 2 could have ended up dead or both with so many injuries. Master VS master in each their fields.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers