Double D's martial arts thread

I need a little project to work on, and I haven't done a martial arts thread yet, so here we go! This thread is dedicated to anything martial arts related. Check out this video of this kid swinging his nunchucks in sync with Bruce Lee's famous nunchuck scene in "Enter the Dragon", one of my all time favorite martial arts movies.
That kid would tune up anyone that messes with him! 😂😂😂
Yes, I wouldn't mess with him! 😂😂
I will be working this thread today, and it will be fun, but for now it's off to Wal-Mart. Yes, it's fish and tater day.
Nothing makes a good martial arts movie better than a good villain. Some of the best villains I've seen have been in Jean Claude Van Damme movies. In the movie "Cyborg", he battles Fender Tremolo, a vicious beast with scary looking eyes. I love it when they finally do battle in the pouring down rain at the end.
Now Kickboxer had an awesome villain also, Tong Po. In this scene, Van Damme is getting an ice bucket for his brother, who is about to fight Thailand's undefeated kickboxing champion Tong Po. He investigates, and sees who his brother is about to fight. It's Tong Po, and he's kicking a concrete pillar bare legged. Tong Po ends up paralyzing his brother. Awesome villain.
Another Van Damme movie "Lionheart" had a great movie villain named Attila, who was a huge guy known for killing his opponents. The final fight between Attila and Lionheart was good.
One of my all time favorite movie villains was in another Van Damme movie called "Bloodsport". The villain in this movie was Chong Li, and he was mean and vicious. He made that movie great, and in this scene he finishes off his opponent by breaking his leg.
when the topic of martial arts arises, only two words are needed.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I must have spent thousands of dollars in quarters playing Mortal Kombat in the 90s! 😂😂
One of the all time great martial arts fights was Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris in the movie " The way of the Dragon." They fought at the ancient colosseum in Rome which made it even cooler. A fight to the death.
Maybe only hundreds for me, but my son and I had fun playing it when they released the NES classic a few years back.
Yes, I played the heck out it on the video game systems at home as well. I loved doing the fatalities the best. I became obsessed with trying to do them for each character. Fun times!
One last villain I loved in a Van Damme movie was in the movie "Double Impact." He had a nasty scar on his face which made him look menacing. He was played by Bolo Yeung, the same guy that played Chong Li in Bloodsport. It was fun to watch them finally do battle in this scene.
I think it's five words.
Baby (other words starting with 'B' also acceptable, except here)
When Chuck Norris does push-ups, it's the earth that moves up and down.
When Chuck Norris left for summer camp as a kid, he told his father, "You're the man of the house now."
Chuck Norris vs Toru Tanaka. Good stuff!
This is one of the greatest fight scenes in martial arts movie history, in "Enter the Dragon." This is the scene where Bruce Lee takes on about 50 or more guards.
Chuck Norris vs David Carradine. The final fight in Lone Wolf McQuade, it's a classic!
I've been watching martial arts fight scenes all day. I'm starting to want to do some kung fu on somebody, I might have to go Wal-Mart later and pick a fight!
I recommend the pet food aisle. Just punch someone as soon as they have their arms full with a 50-lb bag of food and go from there.
Sounds good to me. If that doesn't work out, I'll go over to the produce section and break a few heads!
Grab a spaghetti squash first, as backup.
Classic!!!! 👏👍👍
In Enter the Dragon, Bruce Lee faces O'Hara, the man responsible for his sisters death in the movie. O'Hara had a nasty scar on his face, and in this fight, Bruce Lee says his famous line, "Boards don't hit back". This is a classic fight, and ends with Bruce Lee killing him.
My Uncle Louie used to always have Bruce Lee movies on when I was a kid at my grandparents house when we would visit.
Back in the day, I would rent Bruce Lee movies and watch them. This was back in the days of VHS, when they still had Blockbuster video stores. I haven't seen a Blockbuster store in a long time, I don't even think they exist anymore.
This thread wouldn't be complete without Bruce Lee in the iconic yellow jumpsuit.
@Darin, Yes, "Game of Death" is a classic, and for anyone who hasn't seen it, here is the final battle with Bruce Lee vs Kareem Abdul Jabbar.
Parsippany? I got an Uncle Louie from Parsippany!
Louis Fontini?
No, Louie Larusso.
Don't know him.