in Sports Talk
IS he the greatest athlete of all time?? He certainly looks like it..
This is a public poll: others will see what you voted for.
He certainly looks like a goat..... in this shot.
Scooby be advised your probably going to get yelled at for starting another Brady/Goat thread.
There is a manssiere (male bra) available now to help correct this problem.
His accomplishments has him in the conversation. However many great athletes are definitely above him on the chart.
Does this thread being started mean it's ok for me to start more threads about Carson Wentz in the future? 🤔
That might get you a ...

I can see you're going to horse around today!
I think Eric Davis could out do him in every athletic challenge ..... The Ex-Reds Jaguar of an athlete.
That's not my style.

Shouldn't a goat be used as a GIF in this thread instead of a horse?
I've always thought that proper GIF use is important.
<<< I can see you're going to horse around today! >>>
Please stop before this gets out of control.
It's already out of control, the horse is out of the gate!
Who's ready to learn some sign language?

ETA: It really looks like some sort of Italian insult.
With all the talk about GOATS going on around here constantly, I have a question; Have any of you ever been in close proximity of an actual real live goat? I'm not talking about the kind that dribbles a basketball or runs with a football or throws a really wicked curveball. I'm thinking of the real thing. The kind that stand on the roof of your pickup truck when you least expect it, or eats the front porch sofa, or craps 24/7. Those kind. The kind that stink to high heaven. Those kind.
Horsefeathers, i think there's still time to stop it.
Yes, they're pretty awesome until they try to headbutt you. Then they're pretty tasty.

We've domesticated animals over many thousands of years to the point of thinking of them as cute cuddly creatures.
However in the wild, most all animals are nasty SOB's.
Richard Pryor did a comedy routine about visiting Africa, and he talks about seeing rabbits there in the wild, and he says in a frightened manner the way he does it so well, paraphrase..."they ain't like no rabbits I've ever seen." LOL
Did someone say horsefeathers?

Pamela Anderson would like a word with you.
Peta chips are good with the right dip.
Now that she's got the Hep C situation cleared, tell Pam I've got some Extreme - More Than Words for her, just knowing her appreciation for hair bands
Besides, it's animal on animal abuse so it doesn't count. I don't see PETA going after lions for their abuse of gazelles.