Fan Controlled Football

Another football league starting up called the FCF or Fan Controlled Football. It has four teams and will be played on a 50 yard field.
Another football league starting up called the FCF or Fan Controlled Football. It has four teams and will be played on a 50 yard field.
The four teams are as follows:
Glacier Boys
Wild Aces
Johnny Manziel is the quarterback for the Zappers.
I'll be a Beasts fan. That's my team. Go Beasts, you can do it!
stevek is a huge Wild Aces fan. My Beasts are going to kick your Wild Aces butt's steve!
Oh, oh, I just learned that Mike Tyson, Richard Sherman, and Marshawn Lynch all have a stake in the ownership of these FCF teams.
This league will probably fail.
I've thought about this for a while, and after much pondering, I would have gone with "Rats" as a team name instead of Glacier Boys. When are we finally going to get a pro team named the Rats?
Seems to be the Jai alai of football.
Whatever that means. LOL
My Rats are going to win it all! Go Rats!
I'm in
@doubledragon Since you started this thread and obviously have some kind of payola/plugola thing with the league, I'm counting on you to bump this thread and let me know the whens and wheres.
Edited for auto correct
Ok, but only if my Rats win! Go Rats!
Double d, that would be too late. I'm saying let me know when the games are happening.
One game has already been played. The Beasts beat the Zappers 48-44, the Zappers had one last chance to win, check out this wild ending!
I'm out
Here's some screenshots from that article. Has Johnny Football hit bottom? I'm being serious, substance abuse was a huge player in his downfall, and it sounds like he is not in a good place.
@thisistheshow, You would think he has learned from his past mistakes, it certainly doesn't sound like it. He's been given another chance, it sounds like he is going to throw it away yet again.
I like it, i think it's great. 🙄
mE tOo
Edit to add
mOi aUsSi
Second edit to add...
Just for disclosure, I notice a lot of the younger generation uses alternating lower case and capitals to imply sarcasm. Or they just end a statement with /s. Or they use an emoji like K SteveK did.
Effective online communication is a skill with a learning curve but very much worth acquiring.
I try to use correct punctuation. I only have a high school education though, and I did make good grades in english, but I stunk at math. I was rebellious against math and still am.
Me likes them emojis.
The only complaint i have about the CU forum is not enough emojis.
Thank goodness there are more offered on the internet or i'd be lost.
That's good information.
Whenever DD starts knocking my Eagles again, I'll just reply with expanded calculations of E=MC2 to hiss him off.
I've been to Jai alai twice in Florida.
My only regret was going there a second time. LOL
I only have 1 emoji that I use. Sometimes its happy, sometimes sad.

But recently my emoji has gone psycho on me. I'm really afraid of my emoji,
I wish it would just go away. I think its turned against me.
Looks like a Gremlin emoji. LOL
Go Rats!
What’s the over under on when this falls apart and goes bankrupt?
I guess we'll find out at the end of this season! 😂😂
We might find out sooner lol
It's obviously some convoluted scheme to induce gamblers to have some sort of stake in the games and therefore bet more on the games.
Well their "new idea" is already being done with Draftkings, fantasy football, etc. Why would anyone care to put together a fantasy team of washed up nobodies?
They'll only succeed if there are enough addicted degenerates out there who would bet on anything including chicken racing from Thailand...and would also bet on this FCF garbage.
Chicken boxing, that's where the real money is at. They knew it back in the 90s!
Also known as c0ckfighting.
Michael Vick preferred the dogs.
When does the Topps Chrome come out? Gotta stock up on the Glacier Boyz rc's.
I'm still waiting for those cards to take off. I always found it funny that PSA would print the word on a flip, but you couldn't use in on their forum ...

I didn't test the word here before posting. From posting in so many other forums over the years and they usually ban a word such as that, i just instinctively did c0ckfighting.
BTW: cool cards, even though the card topic is despicable.
I only support chicken boxing if it's done the correct way, with gloves, and chickens that want to compete. And believe it or not, it's a real sport. This photo was recently taken of the current World featherweight champion.
<<< featherweight champion >>>
I saw what you did there.