Last one, I promise

in Sports Talk
Hi there! This will be the last Carson Wentz thread I start, I promise. It looks like Wentz may very well be headed to the Colts, and head coach Frank Reich believes that the Colts can build around Carson Wentz. Is this possible? Has he lost his marbles, or is he a mad genius? You know, Frank and Carson go back a ways.
Time will tell.
Bump. This thread is the most important thread ever created, and therefore bump!
Last I heard, no one has offered them a first- which they are holding out for.
I learned a long time ago if an employee is disgruntled, get rid of them.
Their negative attitude not only affects their particular job performance, but it can rub-off on other employees.
Zach Ertz could be included in a trade package with Wentz.
Don't make promises that you might not be able to keep. 😬
DD has his entire life savings invested in Carson Wentz rookie cards, and is desperately trying to bump up the price with countless numbers of Carson Wentz threads.
I've seen this type of trick before.
So you're saying that you were in on his long con? Because no one, and I mean no one hyped Wentz like you. But to be fair, I remember when the Eagles started to slip post SB and you said that the HC appeared to be making terrible decisions. So you knew the ship was sinking.
I don't buy cards, but if I did, I think Wentz cards that have lost a lot of value might be a good pickup just in case he is reclamated. (I guess that is not a word? Someone help me. )
<<< So you're saying that you were in on his long con? >>>
I would have been, but DD never asked me to join his gang.
<<< reclamated >>>
That's what happens when somebody drinks too much beer and eats too many clams at the same time.
This is one of Wentz's hottest rookie cards, the price you ask? Try $999.00 + shipping, and let's not forget the ebay tax. By the time you're at the checkout, you're in over a grand for this puppy! I do not own it but, if you would like to purchase it Steve, it's available on ebay right now, but you'll have to hurry because they're selling like hotcakes!
I can't even afford 99 cents, even with free shipping. 🤑
Here is the latest breaking news on the Carson Wentz drama. It is looking very unlikely that anyone is willing to meet Howie Roseman's asking price of a first round pick for Carson Wentz.
Wow, when Belichick doesn't want him, that's when you know there's a problem.
Maybe the Eagles could ask for a cheerleader as compensation?
I knew that breaking news story would lure you into my Carson Wentz trap! You're a hardcore Eagles fan, and you can't help but respond to these stories. You're like that mouse on Chip 'n' Dales Rescue Rangers, that was always hypnotized and lured in by the cheese!
My fingers are aching right now.
I put a little bit of ointment on there to ease the pain.
Redheads are problem people. If possible avoid them.
Carson Wentz is no Mitch Trubisky.
My Ex Wife was a Red Head, she was hot but OMG not worth it 😂😂😂
Women...can't live with 'em, can't live with 'em...but we'll keep trying. LOL
Yep 😅
beware women grown old who were never anything but young
-Charles Bukowski