PSA Economy
Posts: 612 ✭✭✭
Hey fellas, I’ve got a simple question to which most around here (besides me) will know the answer.
I know Economy service was suspended by PSA last year. I hadn’t seen anything since, but noticed it is currently an option on the submission form. So is Economy still suspended, or have they let em fly again?
Thanks very much for the help.
I'm not seeing it as an option in the Online Subs.
I just googled PSA submission form and picked the second result, which brought up a PDF, and it was on there.
I’m a very infrequent submitter, though, so didn’t know if it’s been on there the whole time despite the suspension.
I think everything has to be done through the online form these days. Pretty sure the PDF hasn't been updated in years and I've only had to use it for Mech Errors in the past.
Gotcha, not surprised I’ve no idea what I’m doing.
Thanks, Kyle.
How cheap is economy?
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
Was 20/card, but I’ll bet change is a coming.