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Got new ones sell or trade _ 2020-W Tallgrass Prairie National Park Quarters from new rolls

Joe_360Joe_360 Posts: 1,741 ✭✭✭✭✭

Received some new rolls over the weekend and found a few more - For sale, 2020-W Tallgrass Prairie National Park Quarter Uncirculated West Point Mint w/Privy V75 - Nice

PM me if interested, $12 each (consider trades)

Quarters were removed from new original sealed mint rolls. I unwrapped the roll onto cotton towel using white cotton-gloves. Coin rolls came from the Denver Mint - Never in public circulation!

Quarter will shipped in 2x2 Flip-holders. Quarters from original rolls, but coins may have scratches, nicks and dings as any coins from the mint. Never touched in circulation

Will ship same or next day from purchase using standard US mail - Add $3 if you would like first class shipping w/tracking


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