Have you ever bowled a 300?

in Sports Talk
One of the things I enjoy during the summer is going bowling. Every summer I try, and every summer I fail. I'm talking about bowling a perfect 300 game in bowling. I'm going to get it this summer, if my favorite bowling alley is open.
I also want to pick up a 7-10 split. I've never done that. Holy cow!
I have not.
On the Wii, yes.
ETA: Somewhere around 220 is my best in competition.
I've bowled a 262, that was my highest. I miss this place, especially on a Friday night. Ol' Bobby at the snack bar knows what I'm coming for, a plain cheeseburger with fries, and a Coke.
Way back in the day I got a 264, that was tops for me.
I have had 12 strikes in a row but it was over two games in league play. I'm Polish so we come out of the chute with a 150 average.
I have a childhood friend I bowled with who still carries a 220 average. He has double digit 300's. He says the lane conditions and equipment are so much more conducive to high scores these days
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I bowled a 210 one time, but i was in a zone so to speak....a zone for me anyway. LOL
My second best game was 180 something.
Usually i averaged around 150.
There are three bowling alleys in my city, and two of them have ridiculously oily lanes. The lanes are perfect at the other one, but personally, I can't stand lanes that are over oiled.
On Saturday nights, they had cosmic bowling, where they turn out the light and put up neon and fluorescent colors, and you bowl in a cool atmosphere. Very cool, especially when your a little tipsy!
I remember back in the 90s when they still had cigarette vending machines in the bowling alley, I would get a bunch of quarters and sneak over to the cigarette vending machine and buy a pack of Marlboros as fast as I could before any of the bowling alley employees spotted me. They caught me one time, and refunded my money and scolded me.
I am so glad that you started this thread DoubleD. I have some questions about bowling for you and the gallery. I'll write more tonight. . . . .
I'll certainly try my best to answer any bowling questions. I'm no expert, but I have spent a lot of time hanging out in bowling alleys, so I might just be able to help you.
I'll never forget the time I got hustled for $2.00 at pool in the bowling alley game room when I was about 16. The woman that hustled me pretended she couldn't play, and all I had was $2.00 to bet with, and she made it seem like I could beat her easily. She destroyed me, and took my $2.00 True story.
And I had to pay 75 cents to pay for the game, so she actually got me for $2.75!
No. But back in the day I knew a few friends who "bowled" an ounce or two.
That might be the worst childhood trauma I've ever heard.
I still wake up in a cold sweat over it. And she smiled at me after it happened, just to rub it in!
There is something very nostalgic about old time bowling alleys
The noise as soon as you walked in
The smells
The dense cloud of cigarette smoke that attached to your clothes forever
Beer frames
The claw stuffed animal game
Pinball machines
Yelling for your team mate to tell him he's up
The hand dryer on the ball return
The front desk with all the shoes
The announcement of a stuck ball on lane 16.
The sh*tty food
The sensation of releasing the ball and knowing you just buried one and the splatter of the pins as you walk away
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
And the guys who took the game too seriously
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
@Justacommeman, And the drunk taking a leak outside in the bushes, yes I love every bit of it!
I never have any luck with those claw games. It will grab the item, and then slip through the metal fingers.
They put butter on the claw. It's rigged. They're taking our money. Criminal fraud!
And those rebel rouser punk kids with their graffiti on the bathroom stalls. No, I'm not calling suzy for a good time!
Earl Anthony is the GOAT
He was a machine.
No not even close not even on my Playstation 4 game did 240. In real life no way maybe 160.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
You don’t f with the Jesus
Yes, I have bowled 300. One in 1996 on First Flight Day, and one in 2000 on Moon Day. Also picked a 7-10 split in 1990.
Overland Trail Collection Showcase
Dahlonega Type Set-2008 PCGS Best Exhibited Set
I bowled a 300, of course it was over three games...
Now there you go dropping names again. I'm heading over to ebay right now to check out the Earl Anthony cards, you've got me interested in him!
I'll start a thread titled "Earl Anthony - A fascinating man". Don't think I won't do it!
Best game I bowled was a 257. I don't bowl nearly as much as I used to since my favorite alley closed in 2018. And they had great pizza
Bowling was one of the best sports to watch in the 70's and 80's. Earl Anthony, Mark Roth, Don Carter, Dick Weber, Wayne Webb, Marshal Holman, Nelson Burton JR.
I wonder will Bowling cards be the next card explosion?
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
You know how NBA players can spin a basketball on one finger?
Well Earl Anthony was so good, he could do the same thing with a bowling ball.
Seriously, i'm not kidding.
I remember my very first league bowling game. I was in my early twenties and bought a
new bowling ball, first one I ever owned. They drilled the finger holes out at the bowling alley.
So first game when it was my turn I stepped up and made my approach and as I went
to release the ball it refused to release. They didn't drill the finger holes wide enough.
The other team already had a few beers in them and boy they really let me have it.
That is fascinating. I will be looking into him some more for sure. You're taking me on all kinds of adventures this week. First Doyle Brunson and now Earl Anthony. I can't wait for our next adventure!
Twice but it was candlepins and only one was captured on tv
As a youth, I was in a candlepin league up in Massachusetts. Some of you guys might not know this game. Then around 4th grade I switched to the big balls. I never was taught proper form. Did it for a few years. Didn't throw a spinning hook as much as a no-spin curve. Lots of fun. A couple of years ago me and the family decided to go bowling. Before we went I thought about my old approach. Practiced it. Realized that I didn't do a 4 step, or a 5 step. I did a 3 step starting with my left foot, and I bowl right handed. It kind of freaked me out when I realized that I had bowled so unconventionally for many years. That night, out with the fam, I was in a state of confusion as I tried to bowl. I couldn't do it. I stunk. I was all in my head. I told myself that I never wanted to bowl again unless I took a lesson first. MY question to @doubledragon or anyone, how do I "approach" this situation?
I can get you Stexe Sax' shrink telephone number.
During my youth bowling league days, I used to of course buy some snacks and drinks during the games. I once had a skittle go down the wrong way. Shortly after that it came back through my nose.
I was kidding actually i dont think anyone has ever bowled a 300 in candlepins .
Its a stupid form of bowling but it was the only kind i had access to until i owned a car
My friend said "I know a guy who bowled 301
Me " It's impossible to bowl 301."
My friend "Actually it's impossible to bowl 300 and lose."
Not close. 223 is my best and i was lucky that day!
I enjoyed it. Some of us New Englanders probably even remember when it was on tv.
Candlepins for cash !
I was on set but not on the show , my neighbor was on some of us went with him
That's awesome.
Back when I still had a back and knees, I bowled a 275. Man, I miss bowling.
Sorry for the late reply, you know I go to bed at 2:30. p.m. Anyway, to answer your question, I actually never learned to bowl like the pros do, where the ball is thrown and then curves back in and hits the pins. I always bowl the old school way where you roll the ball straight down the middle of the lane. I just aim for the middle section of the pins and roll the ball straight down the middle of the lane. I never could master the technique that the pros use where they roll the ball and it curves back in. Everyone has their own method, I managed to get really good using my technique through determination and practice. It just takes practice and determination.
See, this is basically the technique that I use, just a straight aim and roll the ball down the middle of the alley. I learned to master it and it works well for me.
practice and determination I feel like I am back in one of those Tom Brady threads...
I never could get the ball to curve like the pros do, like this.