Charles I mini type set

I completed a mini type set, and recently imaged them. The Scottish 60/- may need to be re-imaged though. Anyway, this is a first issue Crown and Half (or equivalent) from the Tower and Edinburg mints.
Their provenances are: unknown for the 5/-; Fitts and Hulett for the 2/6; Chesser for the 60/-; and Dawson for the 30/-.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
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Thats an awesome set - well done!
8 Reales Madness Collection
Very nice, like the finer detail in the King's image on the Scots coins.
That's a great set! I especially like the Scots!
My OmniCoin Collection
My BankNoteBank Collection
Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.
Great coins. But your presentation is awesome. 👏👏👏
Very cool. They look great together!
Very nice!
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I have a spoon made during his reign.
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Thanks all! I find doing mini sets is much more fun than doin a long one like, say, every type of Habsburg taler issue. I do not have the patience to do such lengthy sets any more.
Can you share an image? And, how does one know it is from his reign?
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
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I just located a picture from a few years ago, I'll post it in a minute...
In London, since 1300, they had to be hallmarked to be sold legally, since 1478, they had a mark for each year. the date letter initially it was done so if a bad piece was found, under the sterling standard they knew who the assay warden was going by the mark, and he would be held accountable. It makes research fun as you know which year the piece was made.
The mark went from May to May, so my piece was made between May of 1642 to May of 1643.
(I only have this shot of the front, but I'll link the original sale below that with more pictures)
The dealer I got it from, he got it from a Bonham's sale in 2014:
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The spoon is on the far right:

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Here's the original sale:
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WOW! That's some serious jack for a spoon!
When I got it, the pound was around $1.70 and his mark up was added, it was a little painful right at 3k USD.

But I really like having a fine example...
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