Katz Auctions

Has anyone ever won any coins from them. I have won some Italian provas today and wondering if anyone has any experience with the shipping from Europe? Also, prices were very strong leading me to believe, in Europe, world coins are very hot right now. Anybody have any thoughts?
Hey, I’ve won items in 3 or 4 of their auctions before. Nothing too high end but I’ve never had any issues. It’ll take awhile to get to you thou.
Same comment as @jimhopkins1919 - took a while to ship but I was happy with the coins.
8 Reales Madness Collection
I have won 1 certified coin from Katz. It took 3-4 weeks to ship. I even emailed him about it at the time, just to make sure everything was OK (with foreign payment, etc). He said that by their internal policy, they are allowed 4 weeks to ship the coin.
This was back in June. The coin was pretty much as described but whiter than I like. I consigned it to HA and it sold for about 40% more there. Again, certified coin, which I think carries more weight here than in Europe.
My current "Box of 20"
My thoughts as well. Certification seems to bring more weight in USA than Europe. Many world coin dealers I've encountered at US shows don't even have slabs. Everything raw in flips. Which is how I started, and I still have a dozen red boxes stuffed with 2x2s. Enjoy your coins however you like! What are we talking about again?
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