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BARRY BONDS says he doesn't care he's not in the hall of fame

coolstanleycoolstanley Posts: 3,065 ✭✭✭✭✭

Despite 762 career homers, a cloud remains over MLB home run leader Barry Bonds, a cloud that may bar him from the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Bonds was shutout from the HOF again this week. It was first time since 2013 no player was selected to be placed in the hallowed halls of Cooperstown, New York.

Bonds now has one more shot to get in. If he is not voted in next year, he will always be on the outside looking in.

He won’t be down about it, though. The 56-year-old Bonds says that he’s not concerned about getting into the Hall, and that these days, he’s more worried about giving back, doing things like handing out meals for families in San Bruno, California than he is about the Hall of Fame.

“I don’t ever hear about it unless someone tells me,” Bonds told reporters while at Second Harvest.

“I really don’t. I don’t track it. I don’t do any of that. All I do right now is live my life day to day. And right now, I want to do something very special for people that are in need, and that’s the most important thing.
I’m not that important. This is way more important than the Hall of Fame right now.


Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!

Ignore list -Basebal21


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