Pattern Martha Washington "Penny" Auctioning Soon...

Coin Folks:
I thought I would give you all a little "head's-up" and some news about another Martha going to auction.
This Martha Pattern is going to be auctioned through Regency!, and, it is a PCGS Members Only Show Auction in Las Vegas. The auction is Regency Number 43, at The Venetian, on February 25th 2021. There are 344 lots for auction and my Martha guessed it; number 344. I think the online bidding begins tomorrow. I'm not sure.
If you all may recall, this was the house that said Martha was not worthy, needed to be worth $5K or better. That was very early on in my pre-auction/learning days last year. Thanks to all of your wonderful advice (see US Coin discussions), it turns out "she" is indeed worthy. So, we will see how this one fares. It is similar to the first one I sold, in that it is a PCGS MS64 RD. They tell me it has a rarity of +7; whatever that means. It does have a carbon spot right on Martha's forehead, but I am sure pleased that I did not try to "clean" that one.
Be well my early, bid often!
He who knows he has enough is rich.
Good luck!
Great write-up in the listing, by the way.
I do see rhat the 3rd picture (slabbed coin) in the listing is another coin, though.
3 bids, up to $3100 already!
Good luck! Not my thing but it’ll make someone very happy!
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.