Need 1970-S 50c & 1c in Proof 69DC Trade and 1968-S 5c & 1c in 69DC & 1969 1c and 5c in 69DC
I have some 1969-S 50c Pr 69DC's 1971-S 50c Proof 69'S &1981-S TY2 SBA in 69DC
I have some 1969-S 50c Pr 69DC's 1971-S 50c Proof 69'S &1981-S TY2 SBA in 69DC
please explain what you want and what you have to trade, the OP is sort of confusing on that point.
I have for trade 1969-S 50c Pr 69DC's (3pcs) 1971-S 50c Proof 69'S (20 pcs)&1981-S TY2 SBA in 69DC (4 pcs). If you have the 1970-S 50c in PR69DC or any of the others LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU WOULD NEED FOR THE TRADE.
Thanks Rick