How did I end up here?

Well it has been a strange trip. Started back a few years ago as a type collector along the lines of the 7070. Lost interest when the remaining coins were few and far between and more and more costly. Slowly sold them all except kept 1 for memories.
Got interested in old gold and started a type set (generic dates near melt) and dabbled in CWT’s. The CWT’s I like are seeing a price spike, and the old gold I need are either varieties; the expensive capped and draped gold (which isn’t generic); or examples from the southern mints.
So, I took a detour and I started looking at world gold from countries I either visited or are part of the family heritage.
After a win in an auction tonight, I am now the owner of two small gold foreign pieces. While I don’t expect this to be my primary focus, I do expect to pick up a few pieces a year.
So here is the start of my foreign gold collection(sellers pics):
I look forward to seeing interesting pieces and starting to learn about more world coins.
World gold can offer tons of variety, often at a smaller premium beyond melt than you might expect for certain issues. Enjoy!
Love the Chilean coin!
Nice way to start !😊
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Good start to a foreign gold collection! Enjoy!
My OmniCoin Collection
My BankNoteBank Collection
Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.
Welcome to the DarkSide!
My current "Box of 20"