Custom Card Tutorial and Valentines Day Contest!

For YEARS, I've had people ask if I have a custom card making tutorial available, and I've always said "it's on the list". Everytime someone asks for pointers, I try to answer questions, but it is difficult to write volumes to everyone that asks - I have loads of questions (and success stories) about baseball cards/collecting in general coming in every day! This is not a complaint - in fact, I'm thankful. I love talking cardboard and helping others out, but time can be scarce.
With that said, I finally walked through a card I created on video. Someone reached out to me to do a quad relic jumbo of their daughter, using a game used shoe, jersey, hat, and sock. He gave me the go ahead to use her card as an example, so here it is! It isn't the ultimate tell-all tutorial for all ins and outs, but I do hope to make more videos down the road showing how to do other little things. Here is the subject of this video:
And here is the tutorial video!
So, with that said, let's get on with the contest!
If you have a significant other, let's face it - you probably haven't gotten them anything for Valentines Day yet, have you? Well, that's what this contest is for! If you think it will bring joy to her to have a custom jumbo piece created with a picture of you/her, and perhaps a relic (ticket stub of first date, something like that) then enter this contest. I will create one for free for the winner!
Simply respond to this, (I'll be cross posting this on various forums, youtube, social media, etc.) - it would be cool if you subscribed to my youtube channel as well.
On 2/2 at 12 Noon CST, we'll end the contest, and I'll reach out to the winner to send me whatever relic, picture, and text. Please note that the winner just might have the end product showcased.
Oh, and I'll throw in a signed copy of my book, too.
Here is the contest announcement video:
Good luck! Now let's hear what you may want done
2 more days to get your entries in peeps!