PLU 4080 and why Currency Collectors should be banned from the Produce section
Posts: 1,410 ✭✭✭✭
That is correct, I am asking you to step up and confess that you go to the Produce section solely in search of PLU 4080
.... I do
TBH, I do not understand your comment/humor here. But, it did just occur to me that maybe I should start eating fruits whose PLU numbers match the charter numbers of my favorite national banks!
The currency collector's diet!
We steal the rubber bands off of Asparagus bundles because they are so sturdy to hold a pack of graded notes !
2 years ago I was at a coin show currency table then threw that joke out and the whole table erupted in laughter and smiles!
wowwwww, you have a lot of notes in these bundles!!!
You must be very rich
do you buy the 4080 rubbers? lolololo
there goes that secret
Yes, I had a pack of 1935-B notes graded and attempting to sell at a whopping $15-$20 per note (after $18/note grading fees) borders on rich .... and stupid! (or perhaps just one of the two)
See my ads in the Buy/Sell section - I'm also "giving away" $5 FRNs graded and encapsulated as PCGS 66PPQ for $25 shipped which is under my costs but as you noted, that bundle is too big.
I love buyng Asparagus
I seriously
I love eating Asparagus, especially the white type!! I peel it thinly/.
very tasty!
I love asparagus, sooo much.
The bands certainly are great, holding 2x2s, whatever. Very handy to keep
Evan Saltis in the real world.
University of Maine
Politics, food, numismatics, and Lithuanian/Slav genealogy.
Feel free to contact me at any time!
Ok enough now ! That will cost you ten "Hail Mary's" and 5 "Our Father's"
The shame of it all? lol
Interesting, now I have an excuse to buy some asparagus.