Anyone know Davidbvintage on Ebay?
Posts: 295 ✭✭✭
Was hoping to work a deal off Feebay, since he is local for me.
Send him a Coded message through E-bay "Contact the Seller" Messaging, letting him know your e-mail address, then it will be up to him to figure it out and contact you. I do this at least 2-3 times per week and end up with off E-Bay business 95% of the time. My justification, after making E-bay over $200K over the last 22 years, is, I'm Entitled to a few here and there!
Send him something like this; Hi, my actual name is Neil DXXX and when people want to know me they use that along with the AT the most common dot G com mail, not garbled!
If by chance they don't figure it out, they weren't smart enough to do business with anyway ! Flee-bay is to stupid to figure it out themselves and if you jumble it enough their algorithms can't detect! I've done it 100's of times and only got caught once, all I got was a Bad Boy, don't do it again! and that was 12 years ago!
sending a picture w contact info on a different item is the safest method for all involved. that way if a deal is struck and the item ended, nothing gets flagged by ebays automated internal review. they check hard and review messages exchanged all the time on items ended before they expire to ensure deals aren't done outside of ebay
Thank you for your help @thedutymon11, and @blurryface. Yeah not trying to get the seller dinged for the ebay fee if we make a deal off ebay. Hoping I can contact him without getting busted by e-bay!
I don’t know him personally but have bought from him before. Good asset to the hobby.
He has a website with a contact me section. That would be the best way to contact rather than the eBay work around.
@T20brew Thanks for your help! That should work to get around e-bay.
Thank, Thank, Thank You, A day with a New Learned way to Screw E-bay Over is a Day with a Purpose!!!
any and every time. trust me, i share your discontent w ebay.