Have you ever had sports type injuries?

in Sports Talk
Have you ever torn your ACL or anything like that? Concussions?
Have you ever torn your ACL or anything like that? Concussions?
I'll start off, I've had a concussion before. It was back in the day and I was just a young rebel rousing dragon. We were at a friends house drinking, and we were all pretty toasted, and one of my buddies had a full 40 oz bottle of malt liquor. The bottle was moist from being in the cooler, and he starts swinging it like a baseball bat, just screwing around. I was sitting on the ground, and he swings the bottle real hard and the bottle goes flying out of his hands and hits me in the back of the head. It knocks me out cold. I finally woke up after a few minutes and had a knot on the back of my head. He felt awful about it. That was the only concussion I've ever had. I was in high school at the time, and we were young and crazy back then.
I had bruised ribs. I was playing organized team baseball and I hit a pitch. I'm running for second base as hard as I can go and I slide legs first. Well, the second baseman sticks his knee out to keep me from reaching second and I slide right into his knee and my right side rib cage goes right into his knee really hard. The wind was knocked out of me and I couldn't breathe. I was in pain for weeks, and it hurt just to move. It hurt to eat, to breathe, to just move was painful. It finally healed, but it takes time. Those rib injuries hurt like crazy.
Torn ACL ( adult from training/ running)
Torn MCL (same)
Punctured lung ( skiing)
Multiple broken ribs ( skiing )
Multiple broken ankles ( JH and HS hoops)
Green stick fracture right arm ( HS wresting)
Multiple concussions ( hockey, football)
Front teeth knocked out ( hockey)
Broken toes ( bowling. Don't ask)
Broken index finger (hoops)
Multiple contusions (
Maybe some of you all might start being nicer to me
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I had my gallbladder removed about 2 years ago. I started having severe pain attacks on my right side, and had to call an ambulance it hurt so bad. My wife wasn't home at the time, and there was no way I could drive. I got to the hospital and they said it was my gallbladder and it had to be removed.
It must have been the summer of 92' , I was about 12 years old, we were playing baseball in my backyard. My friends brother who was 17 was pitching to us and he was bringing the heat. He throws a wild pitch, and it hits me directly in the eye. My eye was swollen for weeks. That was certainly one for the books!
Playing hoops resulted in:
Surprisingly I never suffered a knee or hip injury. My right ankle looks like a grapefruit compared to my left ankle.
Having an abscess tooth is certainly no picnic. Then you go to get it pulled and they stick that needle in your gums. Go away, you know I can't eat anything but soup!
Does hemorrhoids count?
Never a serious one, but I got my leg rolled covering a kickoff and strained my ACL. What really hurt, though, was that I was a freshman on the JV team playing behind a sophomore who was a lot bigger and better than I was so I didn't get to play much except on special teams. As I limped off the field my coach was waving me back on the field because I was going to get to play the rest of the game on offense (we were winning by a lot), but I had to just keep limping toward the sideline.
ask George brett
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Both in high school
Sprained ankle - was practicing shot put right before a meet and stepped in a hole as I was doing my twisting motion. Entire body turned but my right foot did not. Very bad sprain but still threw shot in the meet
Sprained knee - playing defensive line; offensive lineman was pushed down and runningback was running by me. OL on ground holds my left foot as I turn to the right to make the tackle. Entire body turns right except for lower left leg. Out for one play but finished game (played for DL and OL)
Broken Finger ( Baseball )
Broken Ankle ( Mountain Bike )
Separated Shoulder ( Mountain Bike )
Multiple Sprained Ankles ( Basketball )
Broken Arm ( Hockey )
Broken Tooth ( Hockey )
So many pucks and sticks to the face that left me a bloody mess I can't count.
Golf. Forgot sunscreen. Got a nasty sunburn. I toughed it out. Finished all 18 holes.
After having tried out for football in High School, and gotten totally waxed by a guy I will never forget...his name was Tommy Poznick. During a scrimmage, he literally ran over me and I thought I was severely injured. Fortunately for me, I wasn't...I knew football at that level was not for me. I immediately decided I'd just use my student tickets to attend games.
I then moved on to chasing the ladies, a more delicate and pain free sport, within which I acquired top tier medals for successful adventures.
Sounds like some of you guys are lucky to be walking!!
Hyperextended neck - football
6 concussions - 2 from football
Lifetime pitchfork shaped scar on my lower lip/chin - fight, caught a class ring through my mouth before putting the guy through a wall
Tendon/ligament tears in both elbows - gym/lifting
Fractured leg and ankle mashup - falling down stairs is in fact a sport
As a bar league hockey goalie i suffered a detached retina by a puck to the head and duly retired.
I played college baseball and loved to play anything along those lines.
My last year during the summer I was playing in a softball league (s) and made a long throw from the outfield. I hear a snap and then extreme pain in my right shoulder. I didn't have my surgeries to reattach things until much later but never could throw again. About 10 years ago I was pitching to my son and he hit a screaming line drive and hit my left hand middle finger. Broken. He asks what finger was it again? and then I show him.
A bad groin strain caused me to miss most of my HS senior year soccer.
1948-76 Topps FB Sets
FB & BB HOF Player sets
1948-1993 NY Yankee Team Sets
Could really feel them in my 40s. But was definitely worth it; fun time in life.
My wife has never had any major injuries. She doesn't have to worry about those types of things. You can't pull a hamstring baking cookies!
Dislocated my knee cap twice playing basketball in my younger days........paying the price now
Dislocated fingers
Broken hand
Lost 2 teeth to an elbow
Fractured skull
Broken collar bone at left shoulder
Torn cartilage right shoulder
Worn out knee joints
So much skin lost on elbows, knees, and everything on legs
Several deep cuts too mashed up for stitches
But resting heart rate still less than 50 BPM
Ice skating:
Broken wrist
Broke my nose trying to catch a throw home from SS in a softball game. I took my eye off the ball to check the runner, and the ball rose, tipped off the top of my glove, and right into my nose and right eye. Spent 2 1/2 days in the Air Force base hospital.
Oh, the runner was out by the way; he bowled into me, knocking me onto home plate. I got up, picked up the ball, and tagged him out
Also messed up my knee skiing in Austria.
And about hemorrhoids counting.....they do! I've had them too.
I've also broken my back (T11-T12-L1 vertabrae) twice!!
Fractured ribs (3) playing football in high school. Those crack back blocks get you every time. You don't realize how many muscles are used to breathe until something like that happens.
Oh which reminds me, cracked ribs 2x on my mtn bike.............. Once on the trails in Edmonton, once on a gravel road in the Rhone Valley France...............................
Labrum tear and elbow tendonitis from pitching. Also had a pretty bad hernia, I think it was mostly from working out for baseball.
PSA HOF Baseball Postwar Rookies Set Registry- (Currently 80.51% Complete)
PSA Pro Football HOF Rookie Players Set Registry- (Currently 19.80% Complete)
PSA Basketball HOF Players Rookies Set Registry- (Currently 6.02% Complete)
Playing softball, on one play, I got:
During recovery, I tore the meniscus in my other knee. Believe it or not, that one was by far the most painful injury.
I've also gotten an undiagnosed concussion when I was run over by a car and knocked out (no other injuries worth mentioning).
Sept 24th 1983
That was the day I busted my tibia all to hell, I remember going to my left and got hit and landed on my back, from the point of getting hit and landing on my back for that split second in between I do not remember. I do remember this; I was lying on my back with my head towards the south, my right leg pointing north, and my left leg at a 90° pointing to the west, my body was just numb from the shock. A few hours later I was in a hard cast from my left thigh down to my toes. A few weeks later I saw that Orestes Minoso AKA Minnie was signing autographs at a mall, I thought at that time, which would be cool to have someone else noteworthy autograph my cast.
Well you know now on how my leg, knee, and thigh feels, so I’ll bitch and complain about that at another time, but actually right now I’m feeling pretty good as I type.
I did.
I played a lot of soccer, a little basketball, a bit of football. Stopped 8th grade. Only injury a broken wrist 6th grade playing soccer. High school through college through my twenties, I loved lifting weights. Did a lot of manual labor. Spent almost ten years, through early thirties, driving a truck delivering and installing furniture- mostly high end and antiques but also doing household moves and extra night and weekend work doing some commercial moves.
When I moved to Texas in 2006 I decided to get out of that business into something less physically intense. But I actually spent some of the next years managing a rent to own business. So there was still a decent amount of lifting, but nothing like the old days. I knew my knees, hips, and back were shot. Around 2007 or so I was throwing a football with my son. I reached to catch a ball, went down, and had worse back pain than I'd ever had. Next day, in the hospital, I was told that the x-rays were negative, there are other tests I could do, etc. I didn't do any more tests. For the next ten years or so, every couple of months just out of the blue the back pain would come. Once or twice I went to the ER.
I will add that I have an extremely high tolerance to pain. I knew this since I was five. My cousin and I were Star Wars light saber fighting and he knocked most of my front tooth out. An adult tooth. It was Sunday night. My mother made a dentist appointment for me and picked me up from school the next day sometime to go. The dentist said that the way my tooth broke should have put me in pain, a lot of it... particularly over night into another day. But I felt nothing. He told her to watch me, because I would possibly not know when I was injured. 😂😂😂 Which leads me to around 2018. I know that I had been walking around with some bad joint issues, etc, but I guess I just learned to deal with it. But then I had the mother of all back pain come over me. I was only able to crawl. After a day, I asked my wife to just take me to the ER, even though it would be pointless.
I had to wait about two hours or so. I was on the floor getting into all different positions, drooling, people asking me if I was ok. I'd just smile and say something like..."just trying to get comfortable". Finally they took me, did sone initial x-rays, and offered me a morphine shot into my hip. I couldn't wait for the relief. No lie, thirty minutes later, pain still a 10. I requested another one. They approved it. Ten minutes later, pain was a 7 or so. They were going to send me home, but my blood pressure was through the roof and wouldn't come down. So they admitted me, kept me three days. Met with a bunch of docs. Did an MRi. Different tests, evaluations, yada yada yada. In the end, they say I have arthritis in my knees, hips, spine, and a couple discs out of place. In one of my hips it's done sort of degenerative condition, and when I walk I am always compensating, so more injury occurs. Had to use crutches for a few weeks. I looked into my options for follow up, but I haven't done anything. For maybe five years I've been on ssdi for something unrelated, so I can avoid lifting. I live with some significant pain that is sometimes worse than other times, but I block a lot of it out. 😂😂 in all honesty I should probably always have a cane or something, because fairly frequently some pain or shock hits me and it can about knock me over, and it has.
If you made it this far, I'm impressed, 🤣🤣 thanks!!!!
Does throwing your back out reaching for the bowl of Nachos during last years Super Bowl count?
I think so.
Broken wrist (grade school soccer)
Broken left pinky finger and ring finger...both in two places (softball)
Broken front tooth (softball)
Three herniated disks - L3/L4, L4/L5. L5/S1 (wear and tear from softball)
An unknown number of glute strains, groin pulls, rib cage strains, pull hamstrings and jammed fingers
A crankbait treble hook buried in my scalp (smallmouth fishing)
Two concussions (one ice fishing and one tripping, falling and hitting my while head celebrating a 6 dart out in league 301)
A yet undiagnosed right shoulder -- believe it to be either torn rotator cuff or torn bicep tendon (darts wear and tear)
All I can think of right now.