New auction, ancient & early coins, 425 lots, no buyer fee

Auction 115 will close February 23 — 425 lots of ancient and early coins, mostly good stuff, with low starting bids, NO BUYER FEE. Includes group lots, literature, and some fixed price specials.
This sale includes the last installment of ancient coins selected from my personal collection. Also further groups from my early Spanish, and English collections. Cataloguing these coins gives me a wistful feeling because there’s no replacing them now, I can’t buy good coins at reasonable prices like I used to. Of course there are no shows for now. I work like mad bidding in auctions, and even when I stretch, get very little. I’ve been doing my own auctions for 35 years and always had material on hand for two or three sales ahead. No longer — so it may be awhile before I can do another auction like this. If ever.
So if any of you have stuff you’d like to turn into cash, please keep me in mind. I pay fair prices, with no hassle.
Catalog, with photos, in 5 parts, starting at:
( Also at
and )
Bid simply by e-mailing me; or fax, phone, or snail mail.
Best regards,
Frank S. Robinson
Should be posted in the BST
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!