Bank rolls outside the US?

Does anyone know if countries like Canada or the UK have banks that give out rolls like the US? Always wondered if I walk into a bank in Canada and ask for a roll nickels if they would have them. Anyone have any?
Previous transactions: Wondercoin, goldman86, dmarks, Type2
They definitely would have them, some may charge you a fee but you'll leave with a roll.
Yes, Canada definitely has rolls in bank branches. Used to do nickel searches with the kids in Vancouver whenever we were up from Seattle. Doesn't seem like as many Canadians do roll searches, however, as the tellers tend to give you a funny look if you ask for ten rolls of nickels.
How about the UK? A roll of 50p could yield some interesting designs.
I still have a roll of Canadian pennies somewhere that I got during a family vacation when I was a kid back in 1985. Also I have a roll of 25 Mexican 1 peso coins that I got in change last summer at a 7/11 while on vacation. The cashier couldn’t make change and was too clueless to do the transaction over with a debit card, even when I asked him to. So this is what I walked back to the hotel with.
I remember UK banks had reusable plastic bags instead of rolls.
Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association
I got rolls of coins in Canadian and also French banks. In Ukraine and Russia they usually come in little baggies. I still have some of the French rolls somewhere.
Before Euro times, I had requests to bring people rolls of German 1 pfennig coins. They may or may not have been using them as subway tokens.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Canadian nickel 50 cent pieces used to be good as a toonie in parking meters, but no more.
100 won coins work the same as US quarters in many slot feed machines, and they only cost about 10 cents...
I walked into a bank in the Bahamas and asked for a roll of 10 cent coins with the scalloped edges and received a roll, no questions asked.
"Bongo hurtles along the rain soaked highway of life on underinflated bald retread tires."
Most countries outside of North America have switched from rolled coins to bagged coins. Rolls are still obtainable, as many merchants prefer using rolls to bags, but these rolls are supplied by the armoured car companies, not directly by the banks.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.