Minelab Vanquish 540 pro pack or Equinox 600
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I've been toying with the idea of adding a second detector to my arsenal. I've been going back and forth between the Minelab Vanquish 540 pro pack and the Equinox 600. I live in a very heavy mineralized area. Both have good offers at the moment. I mainly detect for coins and relics.
Any suggestions? I believe the 600 would be better in the type of soil I'll be searching. I am currently using a single VLF 6.6 kHz detector with an eight inch coil.
If you have heavily mineralized soil, you will get better depth and ID with an Equinox 600.
I decided on the nox 600 - now the experiment:
I'll go over a couple of sights that I have detected in the past with the VLF 6.6 and see if I find anything I missed. There were stil,signals with the old detector that I didn't dig, but dug most of them.
You will make some additional finds, especially on highly mineralized or extremely trashy sites. When I got my Equinox 600 three years ago, I rehunted several sites that I had beaten to death with my Etrac. I got several Mercury dimes plus a Barber half, among other coins. All of these coins were masked by iron, but unlike the Etrac, the Equinox processor was quick enough to find them.
I usually run my Equinox in Park 2, and it will lock onto deep nickels like no other machine that I have used.
I did not like the default tones on the Equinox and run mine in two tone with the tone break set about where a zincoln would be.