Schwarzenberg Taler

I had been looking for a decent example of a Schwarzenberg coin for my 17th century German States collection. Came across this example won in a recent auction.
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I had been looking for a decent example of a Schwarzenberg coin for my 17th century German States collection. Came across this example won in a recent auction.
Very nice!!
Great portraits with great hair! The royals of that era certainly did love their hair.
One of my favorite Talers, congrats!
I like it
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Ferdinand's got me thinking about growing my hair out and getting a perm
You don't want to have what he probably had that prompted the wearing of the periwig. Hopefully fashion only,
8 Reales Madness Collection
is that why Maria has such a dour expression?
Can’t you see who she’s married to? Bet she didn’t get to use the mirror until late afternoon.
A: The year they spend more on their library than their coin collection.
A numismatist is judged more on the content of their library than the content of their cabinet.