Can this Conder token be conserved ? Or any experiences in conservation?

One of my favorite tokens. I have the silver proof but missed this when I submitted.
It looks like lacquer to me. Has anyone had PCGS conserve and have a good outcome?
By the way, comparing it to others on the internet mine looks to be a proof.
The rims look square like a proof.
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If it's lacquer, it should be possible to have it removed. One thing to consider- the color underneath may not match the rest of the surface.
IMHO the only safe thing to do to that coin is to gently massage the area with a cue tip soaked in acetone. I don't see the need to send it in for conservation. As noted above, there is a good chance the surfaces could be brighter if it comes off, likely from being sealed off from the elements. The area would probably tone down quickly over time. There is nothing to loose from giving it a go IMHO.
Thanks for your replies @MasonG .
@amwldcoin I thought since it was in a details slab I could ask them to conserve.
I honestly don’t trust my unsteady hands any longer.
Anyone else have some input?
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In my experience, soaking coins in Acetone will not damage them. I recently tried to remove lacquer from a token and soaked it in Acetone and then alcohol. Neither completely removed the old lacquer.
You really need to put it into a sonicator that uses hypersonic vibration to help remove the lacquer.
I would just leave it as it is. By trying to "improve" the appearance you may do just the opposite.
Agreed. It could be disastrous if you mess it up. If it was mine, I'd leave it alone.
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Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.
Your instincts tell you to let PCGS use its expertise in trying to remedy a problem. I would trust your instincts. Great token.