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July 4th bump. Make me an offer

FlatwoodsFlatwoods Posts: 4,204 ✭✭✭✭✭

Quick pics through flips.
If you need better let me know.
Shipping is included.

1921 Peace dollar AU-50 Anacs GONE
I really like this coin but I can't keep everything.

1911-s Lincoln cent PCGS VG-10
$33 net

1971-s silver Ike NGC PF 66 cameo
$60 net to me
Nice color when tilted into light.

1796 Herefordshire token raw $310



1996 ASE proof original box etc. $80


Roger and Cassell storecard
Fredericktown, Ohio RAW $80

1931-s Lincoln cent NGC AU 50 Bn GONE


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