A few pick-ups from Cayon.

I have a feeling I'm either going to love or hate this group. Videos are a nice touch, but the harsh overhead light can make the bright surfaces look worse than they are. We'll see once i get them in-hand. For now, enjoy the Auctioneer images and videos.
1778 in AU with some nice color
1806 that based on the description is a "SC almost all its original brightness. Magnificent example."
Video: https://saladesubasta.com/videos/89/LOTE16167.MP4
And a tice toned 1807 in AU55-58
The first two look a bit abused (?)
I'm going for the optimistic view and say that you'll love them.
I like the tone on the '78
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
I have been burnt so many times by Cayon that I stopped bidding there without a representative to view.
Sounds like my experience with Aureo.
8 Reales Madness Collection
I like the first and third coins, they both look wholesome. The first looks nicely circulated and toned attractively to my eye. Three looks like it has a bit of a flat strike.
Number two is hard for me to read. It looks different in the pics and the videos but I'm not sure I like the blast white reverse.
I love your new Charles III piece, as I normally do.
Remember me for your dupes.
I just bid at the most recent Aureo sale. But the coins were graded by NGC, so I was more confident in bidding what I did to win them. While I don't fully trust NGC either, I trust them much more than the non-US/UK auction houses to properly grade a coin.
Do you think that's because all of their images are deceptive, or because the people who view the coins in person are more likely to outbid you on the coins you would have liked? (Obviously, you know what I think.)
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
Because tastes and collecting styles in Spain are different than in other places, particularly the US. We value different aspects of the coin and look for different things.
I have found the Spanish (generally) gloss over major damage that would bodybag a coin in the US.
I admire your courage!
Generally if I am bidding from a new auction house/foreign dealer I might buy 1 coin so that I can "calibrate" the in hand appearance with the auction photos.
Look forward to your follow up on these! And good luck!
My current "Box of 20"
Of course I think that nothing beats an in-hand opinion from someone who is also an expert grader. I will take your opinion on a coin over a dozen of videos from every angle. I also see the effects of the pandemic playing out on "traditional" businesses that are forced to adapt and cater to a much greater digital-only customer base. They are using this as an opportunity to establish trust online with the effects that will continue way after we're all back to visiting coin shows and previewing auctions in-person. I think that the proliferation and continuous improvement of videos in conjunction with static images is a good thing. I also think that companies who are now partnering with tech innovators (i.e. NuTilt / DRLC, Coins in Motion / Stacks) are ahead of the curve.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway.
Stupidity is the same.
And that's why life is hard.
Thanks! Will post an update once I receive these.
8 Reales Madness Collection
I actually think that (in my experience) the US is the anomaly. When I meet with people who collect and are not US based they have a lot of tolerance for "details" on their coins. I do not know if this is a consequence of the grading services using details grading that conditioned the collectors years ago (again in the US) to se the coins as undesirable. As in Europe or South America grading services are not nearly as popular, collectors are not that bothered. Once I heard a dealer that Mexican collectors are more concerned with filling a hole than with 62 vs 63 (that may be in part because many Mexican coins are just impossible to obtain and then if you see them one has to buy them irrespective of condition) and I think he is right. I am sure people before TPG did not mind few hairlines in their coins as there were no labels advertising the defects of their pieces.
I have bought from Aureo without problem in the past, as well as other European houses, not before few emails to ask questions and getting assurances and no problem.
As @TwoKopeiki said, is all part of the Madness (I wonder if he has copyrighted that?).
The are calculated risks without seeing the coin in hand first. What remains surprising is the spread in terms of what ultimately arrives in the mail. I have been disappointed and surprised. I concede that I am just not as good as other collectors in terms of handicapping images and whether expectations will be satisfied.
Based on the images, there are reasons to be optimistic... hope all goes well
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
Courage is knowing it might hurt, and doing it anyway.
Stupidity is the same.
And that's why life is hard.
You rang 🤓
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
It's called SNOW lol (inside joke not coin related)
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
Jim Elliot