FSHO - 1783 8 Reales "El Cazador" shipwreck recovery. Old, small ANACS holder. SOLD

1783-Mo, FF BR, Mexico 8 Reales ("pieces of 8"), recovered from the 1784 sinking of El Cazador. Discovered by chance in 1993.
Old, small ANACS holder. Net graded F12.
Fun coin! A nice gift? Further detail below images.
$xxx shipped OBO. PayPal no fee (or add 3%), check, MO, Venmo. First to commit.
A little history about the shipwreck. Google for detail:
8 Reales, our first dollar, practically speaking. The story behind the shipwreck is fascinating. No pirates, just weather. But the impact of the sinking was enormous.
El Cazador ("The Hunter") was a brig of war shipwreck that arguably changed the world. Had these coins reached the uprising Spanish North American territories Spain would never have relinquished its million sq mile land to France and the Louisiana Purchase might never have happened.
About the coin design:
The obverse shows King Carolus III of Spain, DEI GRATIA ("by the grace of God" -- he was kinda popular) and the center of the reverse shield shows 3 crosses (the Holy Trinity) and the Pillars of Hercules with ribbons saying PLUS VLTRA ("to infinity and beyond", or something like that).
The pillars and ribbon were supposedly the inspiration for our dollar symbol ($).
Merry Christmas to all!