I traded a Pedro Martinez jersey for 2 Tom Brady rc and never received them.Claims they were mailed but it's been a month and still no cards.Think I'll chalk it up as a bad trade
KBryant1 and Remster, I hope your trade with Richie (heavyd5424) works out. I have made 4-5 trade with him and on a couple of these trades the cards was sent slow, but I have received everything on all my trades with him. We made this trade over the weekend and I was supposed to mail Monday as you can see, but I didn't, I had them in the wrong pile. I discovered this yesterday, so I mailed them out priority mail, yesterday (7/2/02) to try to make up for not sending out when I said would. He should get them at least by Friday. When I hear from him I'll ask about your deals with him. Please keep me updated on this.
Thanks, Mike
Date Posted: Jun/30/2002 5:24 AM Richie, I'll get these out Monday morning (7/1/02).
These: Michael Vick (2001, Fleer Hot Prospects, #32 (1093/1775, Rookie Premiere Postmarks Jerseys ) Kurt Warner (2000, Upper Deck MVP ProSign, #KW, ProSign Autograph 2002 E-X Behind the Numbers Game Jersey (3 color jersey) Pedro Martinez Richie Delmastro 31 South Ave #2 Whitman, Ma. 02382
For This: 2001 UD GRADED RC AUTOGRAPH 8.5 /500 MICHAEL VICK Mike Driver 2100 Fortview Dr. Chester, Va. 23831-2224
Was Ritchie supposed to send you the graded Vick auto? If so, I would be a little bit cautious about this trade because he supposedly traded it to me last week. Not sure how many people he may have "traded it to". If he is receiving the Vick auto from you, then it makes sense. I have the PM's confirming that he traded me that card. Let me know. Thanks.
I think his trading practices are very questionable...I'm looking at him as a bad trader at this point...his responses are slow if he responds to my PM's at all and I didn't even know I was dealing with him until after I mailed the card as he had it sent to his g/f at her addy and she is supposed to be sending the cards...I have given him the benefit of doubt as the post office can screw things up but it's been over a month and he looks to be having problems with other traders...
Is the address for a Meaghan O'Rourke? He gave me the same address. Luckily, I have not sent my Rams quad jersey card yet....so Mike may have saved me a bad deal.
KLS AND MIKE- BE CAREFUL, THIS GUY IS A VERY QUESTIONABLE TRADER. He reminds me of another Brees9. First he starts sending late, trading 2 people the same cards, etc... And I know he saw this post because he was signed on this morning. Be careful!!
Should I be worried too? I sent him the Culpepper and Redman Autos that he has on his tradelist for some Brady RCs. I know he got them because they are on his current tradelist. He said he sent them, but I hope they aren't the same Brady's he was supposed to send to someone else
Tradelists Now Collecting- Ed Belfour, any RedWings, Brian Griese, Bobby Higginson, Will Clark, U of M players Let me Know what you have! Bad Trader: Heavyd5424
I bet they are....I hate to tell you. I am going to post up this guy as a bad trader along with all of the details of my trade and this guys address info....if we don't get some answers soon.
Not true - we agreed on a deal!! Here is the text to our PM's - what does everyone else think? Do we have a deal? Would you send someone your address if you didn't?????? I don't know you and have never traded with you....so what other reason would I need your address???
Read the messages below from most recent to the beginning -
send to
meagan orourke 43 brown ave whitman ma 02382 ur card will go out as soon as u send- thanks alot man- make sure everyone knows its gone
Reply Delete Top Bottom
KLS23 Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:42 PM Heavyd,
Man, you sold me. I don't have the card yet, though. It should be in early next week. The seller is trusted so I don't expect any problems. Send me your address and I will PM you immediately when I get it. I will send it out to you same day - insured, bubble wrapped, the whole works.
Recap - your 2001 UD graded 8.5 vick auto and whatever other vick's you throw in for my Quad jersey Warner/Faulk/Bruce/Isaac #63/200.
Thanks for the great deal - let me know who else you collect and I will try to find something else worthwhile to throw in, also!
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heavyd5424 Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:35 PM it is 2001 ud graded graded series 8.5 - bv is 150- its a sweet one- i will throw in some extra vick rcs i got also- let me know asap- i need that card bad- (ur cad wont be near 150 but i need it bad!!) thanks man- let me know asap
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KLS23 Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:33 PM Heavyd,
That definitely sounds like a deal I am interested in. I went to Virginia Tech for my undergraduate degree and graduate degree! What year/brand is that Vick? LMK and if we work out a deal I can send out the Quad tomorrow AM. Thanks.
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heavyd5424 Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:30 PM lol i meant 120 in trade
i will give u a vick ud graded autograph 8.5 /500 bv150 for it
Ken That is exactly who I sent the card to.I just received a PM from him saying he will send replacements for the Brady cards I never got...the trade for the Brady cards was done May 27th (thats when I mailed) if that helps you any Belfan...one was an Ultra rc and the other was a score rc
I didn't send you any cards....so I certainly can't say that you scammed me. But I do think that your trading practices are questionable and would advise everyone dealing with you to be very, very cautious. You can't trade the same card(s) to several different people as it seems apparent you have done. It also should not take over a month for someone to get their cards in trade.
I am going to let it go because like I said.....I didn't lose anything. I hope that everyone else's deals with you work out. I am not so sure that would have sent to the other people in this string if you hadn't been called out on it......
I just want the cards, no big deal. I just think it's been a slow trade.
Tradelists Now Collecting- Ed Belfour, any RedWings, Brian Griese, Bobby Higginson, Will Clark, U of M players Let me Know what you have! Bad Trader: Heavyd5424
Not true - we agreed on a deal!! Here is the text to our PM's - what does everyone else think? Do we have a deal? Would you send someone your address if you didn't?????? I don't know you and have never traded with you....so what other reason would I need your address???
Read the messages below from most recent to the beginning -
send to
meagan orourke 43 brown ave whitman ma 02382 ur card will go out as soon as u send- thanks alot man- make sure everyone knows its gone
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KLS23 Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:42 PM Heavyd,
Man, you sold me. I don't have the card yet, though. It should be in early next week. The seller is trusted so I don't expect any problems. Send me your address and I will PM you immediately when I get it. I will send it out to you same day - insured, bubble wrapped, the whole works.
Recap - your 2001 UD graded 8.5 vick auto and whatever other vick's you throw in for my Quad jersey Warner/Faulk/Bruce/Isaac #63/200.
Thanks for the great deal - let me know who else you collect and I will try to find something else worthwhile to throw in, also!
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heavyd5424 Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:35 PM it is 2001 ud graded graded series 8.5 - bv is 150- its a sweet one- i will throw in some extra vick rcs i got also- let me know asap- i need that card bad- (ur cad wont be near 150 but i need it bad!!) thanks man- let me know asap
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KLS23 Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:33 PM Heavyd,
That definitely sounds like a deal I am interested in. I went to Virginia Tech for my undergraduate degree and graduate degree! What year/brand is that Vick? LMK and if we work out a deal I can send out the Quad tomorrow AM. Thanks.
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heavyd5424 Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:30 PM lol i meant 120 in trade
i will give u a vick ud graded autograph 8.5 /500 bv150 for it >>
KLS23, Sorry, Richie should had informed you before he made another trade with the same card. By your PM's unless I'm reading them wrong, you 2 did agree on a trade, but not on when you will be mailing, cause you was waiting on the card. But in your earlier PM (9 min. earlier) to him you say "LMK and if we work out a deal I can send out the Quad tomorrow AM". I'm just wondering how you can say this, if you did not have the card yet? Also did you get your address to Richie (heavyd5424) to confirm this trade?
Richie (heavyd5424), Thanks for the update, I'll leave a positive post when it arrrives. Also Please let me know when yours arrive, you should have got them if not by Friday mail please let me know cause I sent Priority.
KBryant1, Remster, Belfan and SkiVermont3, Please keep me updated. Let me know when your stuff arrives and if it doesn't get to you in a week, please let me know.
I'll keep you informed Mike.You and I have had good deals in the past and if you say Richie will come through I'll be patient.I told Richie if, by chance, the Brady cards do come after he sends replacements that I would return them.That is providing he sent them in the first place.
Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
KBryant1 and Remster,
I hope your trade with Richie (heavyd5424) works out. I have made 4-5 trade with him and on a couple of these trades the cards was sent slow, but I have received everything on all my trades with him. We made this trade over the weekend and I was supposed to mail Monday as you can see, but I didn't, I had them in the wrong pile. I discovered this yesterday, so I mailed them out priority mail, yesterday (7/2/02) to try to make up for not sending out when I said would. He should get them at least by Friday. When I hear from him I'll ask about your deals with him. Please keep me updated on this.
Thanks, Mike
Date Posted: Jun/30/2002 5:24 AM
Richie, I'll get these out Monday morning (7/1/02).
Michael Vick (2001, Fleer Hot Prospects, #32 (1093/1775, Rookie Premiere Postmarks Jerseys )
Kurt Warner (2000, Upper Deck MVP ProSign, #KW, ProSign Autograph
2002 E-X Behind the Numbers Game Jersey (3 color jersey) Pedro Martinez
Richie Delmastro
31 South Ave #2
Whitman, Ma. 02382
For This:
Mike Driver
2100 Fortview Dr.
Chester, Va. 23831-2224
Thanks for anotrher great trade, Mike
Was Ritchie supposed to send you the graded Vick auto? If so, I would be a little bit cautious about this trade because he supposedly traded it to me last week. Not sure how many people he may have "traded it to". If he is receiving the Vick auto from you, then it makes sense. I have the PM's confirming that he traded me that card. Let me know. Thanks.
Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
Is the address for a Meaghan O'Rourke? He gave me the same address. Luckily, I have not sent my Rams quad jersey card yet....so Mike may have saved me a bad deal.
Many Refs, just ask.
I sent him the Culpepper and Redman Autos that he has on his tradelist for some Brady RCs. I know he got them because they are on his current tradelist. He said he sent them, but I hope they aren't the same Brady's he was supposed to send to someone else
Now Collecting- Ed Belfour, any RedWings, Brian Griese, Bobby Higginson, Will Clark, U of M players
Let me Know what you have!
Bad Trader: Heavyd5424
Many Refs, just ask.
I bet they are....I hate to tell you. I am going to post up this guy as a bad trader along with all of the details of my trade and this guys address info....if we don't get some answers soon.
kls- i have been waiting for a reply on our trade and never got anything so i traded the card
kbryant- ur card was sent
-richie rich
i have made nothing but good trades here
-richie rich
Not true - we agreed on a deal!! Here is the text to our PM's - what does everyone else think? Do we have a deal? Would you send someone your address if you didn't?????? I don't know you and have never traded with you....so what other reason would I need your address???
Read the messages below from most recent to the beginning -
send to
meagan orourke
43 brown ave
whitman ma 02382
ur card will go out as soon as u send- thanks alot man- make sure everyone knows its gone
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Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:42 PM
Man, you sold me. I don't have the card yet, though. It should be in early next week. The seller is trusted so I don't expect any problems. Send me your address and I will PM you immediately when I get it. I will send it out to you same day - insured, bubble wrapped, the whole works.
Recap - your 2001 UD graded 8.5 vick auto and whatever other vick's you throw in for my Quad jersey Warner/Faulk/Bruce/Isaac #63/200.
Thanks for the great deal - let me know who else you collect and I will try to find something else worthwhile to throw in, also!
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Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:35 PM
it is 2001 ud graded graded series 8.5 - bv is 150- its a sweet one- i will throw in some extra vick rcs i got also- let me know asap- i need that card bad- (ur cad wont be near 150 but i need it bad!!) thanks man- let me know asap
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Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:33 PM
That definitely sounds like a deal I am interested in. I went to Virginia Tech for my undergraduate degree and graduate degree! What year/brand is that Vick? LMK and if we work out a deal I can send out the Quad tomorrow AM. Thanks.
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Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:30 PM
lol i meant 120 in trade
i will give u a vick ud graded autograph 8.5 /500 bv150 for it
-richie rich
That is exactly who I sent the card to.I just received a PM from him saying he will send replacements for the Brady cards I never got...the trade for the Brady cards was done May 27th (thats when I mailed) if that helps you any Belfan...one was an Ultra rc and the other was a score rc
Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
Too bad because I wanted to trade him for his Quincy Carter Sp Authentc :C
Many Refs, just ask.
remster and belfan i traded 2 seperate trades for 2 diff. lots of brady rcs.
ahendi- if i didnt pm u and tell u already, the carter sp has been traded already
-richie rich
I didn't send you any cards....so I certainly can't say that you scammed me. But I do think that your trading practices are questionable and would advise everyone dealing with you to be very, very cautious. You can't trade the same card(s) to several different people as it seems apparent you have done. It also should not take over a month for someone to get their cards in trade.
I am going to let it go because like I said.....I didn't lose anything. I hope that everyone else's deals with you work out. I am not so sure that would have sent to the other people in this string if you hadn't been called out on it......
Many Refs, just ask.
Now Collecting- Ed Belfour, any RedWings, Brian Griese, Bobby Higginson, Will Clark, U of M players
Let me Know what you have!
Bad Trader: Heavyd5424
<< <i>Ritchie,
Not true - we agreed on a deal!! Here is the text to our PM's - what does everyone else think? Do we have a deal? Would you send someone your address if you didn't?????? I don't know you and have never traded with you....so what other reason would I need your address???
Read the messages below from most recent to the beginning -
send to
meagan orourke
43 brown ave
whitman ma 02382
ur card will go out as soon as u send- thanks alot man- make sure everyone knows its gone
Reply Delete Top Bottom
Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:42 PM
Man, you sold me. I don't have the card yet, though. It should be in early next week. The seller is trusted so I don't expect any problems. Send me your address and I will PM you immediately when I get it. I will send it out to you same day - insured, bubble wrapped, the whole works.
Recap - your 2001 UD graded 8.5 vick auto and whatever other vick's you throw in for my Quad jersey Warner/Faulk/Bruce/Isaac #63/200.
Thanks for the great deal - let me know who else you collect and I will try to find something else worthwhile to throw in, also!
Reply Delete Top Bottom
Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:35 PM
it is 2001 ud graded graded series 8.5 - bv is 150- its a sweet one- i will throw in some extra vick rcs i got also- let me know asap- i need that card bad- (ur cad wont be near 150 but i need it bad!!) thanks man- let me know asap
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Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:33 PM
That definitely sounds like a deal I am interested in. I went to Virginia Tech for my undergraduate degree and graduate degree! What year/brand is that Vick? LMK and if we work out a deal I can send out the Quad tomorrow AM. Thanks.
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Date Posted: Jun/28/2002 11:30 PM
lol i meant 120 in trade
i will give u a vick ud graded autograph 8.5 /500 bv150 for it >>
Sorry, Richie should had informed you before he made another trade with the same card. By your PM's unless I'm reading them wrong, you 2 did agree on a trade, but not on when you will be mailing, cause you was waiting on the card. But in your earlier PM (9 min. earlier) to him you say "LMK and if we work out a deal I can send out the Quad tomorrow AM".
I'm just wondering how you can say this, if you did not have the card yet? Also did you get your address to Richie (heavyd5424) to confirm this trade?
Thanks, Mike
Hope all have a fun and safe 4TH
Thanks for the update, I'll leave a positive post when it arrrives. Also Please let me know when yours arrive, you should have got them if not by Friday mail please let me know cause I sent Priority.
KBryant1, Remster, Belfan and SkiVermont3,
Please keep me updated. Let me know when your stuff arrives and if it doesn't get to you in a week, please let me know.
Thanks, Mike
Hope all have a fun and safe 4TH
Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
I would suggest you read the post and draw your own conclusions
Taylor28jag,mikefromchester ,sjrpipm,Mars2001,naturlbrntrder,Hitechkoolaid
Dallas822 ,KFC,Bjork73,joestalin,dirtmonkey,Bobstar,Euphoria18,Injun01,Dewey
Many Refs, just ask.