Dansco 7420: Cuba Type

Here is one of my other foreign Dansco albums. From what I understand, this is one of the rarer albums that Dansco manufactured back in the day. Regardless, if you collect Cuban coins, I'm sure you're well familiar with how difficult it is to acquire Cuban coins, even those that pre-date the Cuban Revolution. I'm still looking for a few coins, such as the ABC and the José Marti pesos. Other than that, I'll periodically update this thread as I acquire new additions for this album.
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That is a rare find as far as Dansco albums go. I also collect Cuban coins (First Republic), so I’m interested in how the set shapes up. Please post some pics as you add!
Yes, Cuban coins are difficult to find right now. Most Cuban coins are not that rare. The album is rarer then most of the coins it holds. Unfortunately for Cuban coin collectors, the ban on coins dated after 1962 is still in effect. Rather then going with the 1962 date, eBay has banned auctions for all Cuban coins including the legal ones dated before 1962. Arabian coins has a new album available if you want to spend $100.00 for a coin album.https://ebay.com/itm/Cuba-Havana-1915-1961-Empty-Numismatic-Collectibles-Album-not-from-Cuba/312091130926?hash=item48aa14bc2e:g:HTkAAOSwDdlas91~
I have 15-20 Cuban coins, most from the teens and 40's/50's, but a few from the 70's.
Wow! I had no idea that Dansco made a Cuban Type album! That's a great find!
My OmniCoin Collection
My BankNoteBank Collection
Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.
Nice album there @EagleScout2017
I'd like to get my hands on one.
Here's a few pieces out of my Cuban collection.
I mostly keep mine in a Harris Coin Album.
The 1992 Tres Pesos and the 2016 Cinco Pesos were given to me in Havana.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
Try contacting Randy at Chief Coins & Supplies - - they have a lot of folders & albums of all brands & styles, including out-of-print ones, in new & used condition at decent prices. I bought a lots back in the days when I was building my Canadian, British, ANZAC, & Mexico collections.
Where is Chief coins and Supplies? I'm in Florida and it is still the devil's own job finding cuban coins. i collect pre-revolution , and even when you find them the prices are astronomical. I remember being able to find dozens of them in the 10/$1 box...lol. Not anymore.
^looks like it is this one, i guess:
Hey @cocoajohn1
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso