Individual proof coins

in Q & A Forum
I see people selling individual proof coins- ex: Massachusetts AI - on eBay. Is that an item sold only to approved dealers? I don’t see them available to the public. Thanks
They buy sets and break them up.
Some issues (I think the AI $ are one) are sold separately by the mint to anyone.
Collectors and dealers often break apart proof sets and send the most eye appealing coins in to get graded. Additionally, in the very early years, when the U.S. Mint sold Proof coins to the public, they were not in sets, like we have from 1955 - Present. Back in those early days, people could order each coin individually, or only the coins they wanted.
For me, I collect graded individual U.S. Proof Coins from 1936 - 1942.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Thanks for your response. In the case of the AI proof coins the number available is so large that I’m guessing the mint must be releasing them in boxes of proof coins. I’ve reached out to the mint and will post their response when I receive.