Juliana Comes of Age

I missed a certified example on a recent Heritage auction, but came across this example from Carol Plante's ebay site.
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I missed a certified example on a recent Heritage auction, but came across this example from Carol Plante's ebay site.
We should bring back the tradition of issuing "coming of age" medals
8 Reales Madness Collection
I hadn't seen this one before. Its Art Deco origin is certainly demonstrated by the hand crafted fonts in the legends and the architectural style of the central heraldic element on the reverse. Neat!
It has an interesting look on the obverse with the strong contrast between high and low relief in the design. I had not heard of "coming of age" medals before you posted this.
Not sure why but MWB doesn't like the image host for Harasha's last two posts

Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
No idea what that is all about.