epson v600 is amazing. IRIScan desk 5 pro though...
have and will always love my v600 in all it's bulkness and glory. was worth every penny.
seems these overhead scanners might be the new wave. only been toying w/ it for one day but seems to do vintage and modern as well. it's lightning quick. but the best part, other than it scans automatically once your hands leave the screen, is the barcode reader. it scans the barcode and uploads the info w/ thumbnail to an excel spreadsheet. might be rethinking entire inventory system now though.
the hands free scan thing is amazing, but also comes w/ a push button. push button is extremely simple but once you get your rythm down, the hands free function is the key. can literally do 20+ cards a minute.
obviously scanning modern has been pretty hard up to this point. hard to catch the in hand attributes on a flatbed. however, that's a thing of the past. this is a side by side scan of vintage and modern together on the factory settings:
i didnt go all out on the options. this one costs roughly $300 on amazon. they have other brands and commercial models.
freeing up 3sqft around my desk area by dumping the v600 is an added bonus.
placed the promo video in another scanning thread, but will put it here again for anyone interested in one: