So I have been coin roll hunting for sivler and the siver seems to have dried up. I still CRH and I am happy to get 2019 and 2020 W Quarters.
The question is what do I do with them. Do people buy or trade them?
I have:
19 2020 W Marsh Billings-got 2 boxes of new rolls from my bank and decided to search them.
3 2020 W Weir Farm
6 2020 W Lowell
5 2019 W American Memorial
4 2019 W War in the Pacific
4 2019 W River of no Return
3 2019 W San Antonio Mission
Any thoughts, tips, or offer would be greatly appreciated. I'm new to this Discussion so if I violated any rules I'm sorry,
2019 W Lowell, my bad
Super high end graded examples command a nice premium, MS67 and above, but I think raw they are selling for about $10 a pop.
You will be very fortunate to get $10 each for most of them. That ship has sailed!
I know dealers who were buying Idk about now
I guess I'll bring them to my local guy and see if he thinks any are woth grading, I'm still too new to know. But the ones I pulled out of the bank wrapped rolls look perfect to me.
Thanks for your help and if anyone else has input I'd love to hear that as well.
I sell them for $10 each on eBay and get $60 for a set of five. Fees suck but still end up about $8.00 a piece profit.
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I knew it would happen.
I am trying to build 5 sets of 2019 UNC.
I need 2 WIP and 3 RONT and have Am Park and Lowell to trade.
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