When they come in small quantities I toss them in the sterling melts. Just need to keep my purity above a certain level to max my payout from a refiner. We did the nickel melt mostly as an experiment.
@Jinx86 said:
When they come in small quantities I toss them in the sterling melts. Just need to keep my purity above a certain level to max my payout from a refiner. We did the nickel melt mostly as an experiment.
why are you melting then selling to refiners?
I'm not arguing with melting sterling mind you but whats the point of melting yourself?
Assuming sterling is all getting melted why not let them do it? I mean lower your buy price and bag it up for them.
The guy I whined about upthread paid 50 cents for something worth $1.38 and wouldn't consider doubling his money in 10 minutes . positively retarded to do business that way. But coin dealers are often pretty stupid in common sense terms. I know a guy who sets up at flea markets who fills his cases with common date cleaned and polished morgan and peace dollars priced at $ 50 each. He is going to die owning all that garbage even flea market bozos are not paying those prices.
God forbid you question anyones pricing strategy they stroke out on the spot
I sell at an antique store , I've sold hundreds of 25 peso coins for 12 to 15 bucks each in the last 4 months or so. There is another guy who sells coins who got pissed because the buyers were hitting my booth , I talked to him I said those are a good seller bring some in Cause I know the fool will dip a bunch out price them at $30 each then put a 25% off sticker on them and I will sell twice as many and his will sit there.
The market doesnt care what "YOU" paid for them buddy they just will pay what they pay . Try that with a stock you are underwater on . Well I bought this IBM for 200 a share so I need to get 210 ummmmm its quote says 126 so I'm afraid you are going to be holding your breath for a decade
I do often wonder if there are more mundane reasons for some of these crappy business practices.
I agree. I've refined my silver and gold to a purity of .999. The refiner was impressed. I prefer unalloyed gold and silver. So, to the original question.... the best gold to stack is 24K, then 22k. Then .900. I'm not a proponent of Canadian commems at .500.
@TwoSides2aCoin said:
I agree. I've refined my silver and gold to a purity of .999. The refiner was impressed. I prefer unalloyed gold and silver. So, to the original question.... the best gold to stack is 24K, then 22k. Then .900. I'm not a proponent of Canadian commems at .500.
are you saying you don't like the 1 5/8 troy ounce 50% silver coins with a $43.33 face value that comemorate the 17th anniversary of the olympic womens shuffleboard team's tie for 5th place in the preliminary round?
Suddenly in the dealers hand they are worth every % of melt even though they are garbage.
Something about ownership makes things a whole lot more valuable? That is, until the real market speaks.
I knew it would happen.
When they come in small quantities I toss them in the sterling melts. Just need to keep my purity above a certain level to max my payout from a refiner. We did the nickel melt mostly as an experiment.
why are you melting then selling to refiners?
I'm not arguing with melting sterling mind you but whats the point of melting yourself?
Assuming sterling is all getting melted why not let them do it? I mean lower your buy price and bag it up for them.
The guy I whined about upthread paid 50 cents for something worth $1.38 and wouldn't consider doubling his money in 10 minutes . positively retarded to do business that way. But coin dealers are often pretty stupid in common sense terms. I know a guy who sets up at flea markets who fills his cases with common date cleaned and polished morgan and peace dollars priced at $ 50 each. He is going to die owning all that garbage even flea market bozos are not paying those prices.
God forbid you question anyones pricing strategy they stroke out on the spot
I sell at an antique store , I've sold hundreds of 25 peso coins for 12 to 15 bucks each in the last 4 months or so. There is another guy who sells coins who got pissed because the buyers were hitting my booth , I talked to him I said those are a good seller bring some in
Cause I know the fool will dip a bunch out price them at $30 each then put a 25% off sticker on them and I will sell twice as many and his will sit there.
The market doesnt care what "YOU" paid for them buddy they just will pay what they pay . Try that with a stock you are underwater on . Well I bought this IBM for 200 a share so I need to get 210
ummmmm its quote says 126 so I'm afraid you are going to be holding your breath for a decade
I do often wonder if there are more mundane reasons for some of these crappy business practices.
I agree. I've refined my silver and gold to a purity of .999. The refiner was impressed. I prefer unalloyed gold and silver. So, to the original question.... the best gold to stack is 24K, then 22k. Then .900. I'm not a proponent of Canadian commems at .500.
are you saying you don't like the 1 5/8 troy ounce 50% silver coins with a $43.33 face value that comemorate the 17th anniversary of the olympic womens shuffleboard team's tie for 5th place in the preliminary round?