Do you see any red flags on this eBay dealer?

Hello Fellow Coin Collectors,
I am on the hunt for a special Portuguese coin and I encounter this seller in my search. A lot of the 1916 Portugal 50 Centavos MS 65 and other fine coins are being sold cheap from this dealer. The past sales are under private listings:
Any insights would be helpful.
"So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
Item location: Hong Kong.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
Other than the dealer is in China, no. His ratings are good, his shipping price is ridiculously low for Hong Kong. As far as the coin, I cannot tell as I do not know the series. But given that the coin does not appear expensive, if it looks.ok, sure, go ahead.
Thanks, WillieBoyd2 and Abuelo, for your insights.
I saw the private listings of past sales and wondered about that part.
I was also concerned about possible fake PCGS slabs.
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
I've bought a few coins from that seller, including this one.

No issues pre-covid, Simon (the seller) was fast and efficient.
But now, shipping from Hong Kong is an issue. Read his listing carefully. Hong Kong has suspended normal air cargo to many locations. Before bidding, I'd ask about the shipping costs and options.
I won one of his auctions back in April, and shipping was held. Around July, he refunded my $s.
My World Coin Type Set
I looked at a couple of his listings. The coins pictured in them matched the coins in the trueviews on the PCGS website. It's unclear to me how that would be possible unless he actually had the coins in his possession in order to take the pictures.
I have bought many things from this seller. Always reliable and no issues. If anything were to go amiss I would expect it to be the postal service. I would not hesitate an iota to buy from him. Edited, SELLER!
Thanks everyone for sharing your positive experiences. Glad to know some of you bought from him and thanks to MasonG for doing some deeper investigation on the PCGS slabs.
I emailed the seller regarding what the shipping charges to California might be this week since normal air cargo can be closed. So, that was a good heads up from PBRat.
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee