“Approvals”........and Mom!

I’d wait......I’d sit backwards on dads big chair and stare down the street waiting for the mailman to come into view. I’d see him about a block away, crossing the street. My excitement would raise....My Approvals are Coming!! The mailman would get closer.....I’d be watching.....he get to Edith’s house, then cross Buerger St. and walk up the sidewalk.....as I go to met him at the doorway....he’s coming up the walk.........Here Comes My Mother!!! FAST....Yelling at the Mailman. ......... NO MORE APPROVALS!!!!!!!
In the little wax paper envelopes.
It was a good time...It seems nothing has changed though in sixty years. Great post...take care...
Fun story. Thanks!
Glassine envelopes!