Jaime Munguia hit Tureano Johnson with a uppercut in Friday's bout, and a piece of Johnson's lip came off. Check out the damage this uppercut did to Johnson's lip.
Today is Larry Holmes's birthday, so I have a little highlight for us to watch. This was the fight between Earnie Shavers and Larry Holmes. Now, Earnie Shavers was one of the hardest punching fighters of all time, as a matter of fact, Muhammad Ali once said out of all the people he fought, Earnie Shavers punched the hardest. Check out Earnie Shavers hit Larry Holmes. To his credit, Larry Holmes somehow recovered from this punch and knocked Earnie Shavers out, but check out this shot Earnie hit Larry with.
Nicolino Locche was one of the greatest fighters in boxing history. He was practically unhittable, and his nickmame was "El intocable" which translates into "The untouchable", and it was difficult to hit him cleanly. His overall record was 117-4. You can see in this clip how difficult it was to hit him.
Jaime Munguia hit Tureano Johnson with a uppercut in Friday's bout, and a piece of Johnson's lip came off. Check out the damage this uppercut did to Johnson's lip.
Yes, that's what I said. Here was the punch in slow motion.
Check out this play in the Rutgers game. Too bad it was called back because of an illegal forward lateral, but it's still worth a look.
Looked like they were playing 'keep away' or something.
Great fight last night, check out this explosive first round knockout last night. Isaac Cruz just destroyed Diego Magdaleno. He just destroyed him!
This has to make the highlight thread, Patrick Mahomes throws a underhanded TD pass.
This happened in the Bears vs Saints game yesterday.
This was wild.
Today is Larry Holmes's birthday, so I have a little highlight for us to watch. This was the fight between Earnie Shavers and Larry Holmes. Now, Earnie Shavers was one of the hardest punching fighters of all time, as a matter of fact, Muhammad Ali once said out of all the people he fought, Earnie Shavers punched the hardest. Check out Earnie Shavers hit Larry Holmes. To his credit, Larry Holmes somehow recovered from this punch and knocked Earnie Shavers out, but check out this shot Earnie hit Larry with.
This one was in high school football last Friday, Riddles takes it to the house.
You have to see this to believe it.
Nicolino Locche was one of the greatest fighters in boxing history. He was practically unhittable, and his nickmame was "El intocable" which translates into "The untouchable", and it was difficult to hit him cleanly. His overall record was 117-4. You can see in this clip how difficult it was to hit him.
Just watch this little video of Steph Curry 3 pointers. It's just insane.