Any PSA Pokémon collectors/sellers here ?
My boys are ages 20,16, and 13. They all played with the cards when young. My oldest was born in January 2000. My youngest in 2007.
I want to buy them a special PSA graded pack or Charizard card from 1999 for Christmas. One item, and all three have a 1/3rd share of the item until they decide to sell their share to a willing buying brother.
I’m looking for advice. Probably looking to spend around 2 or 3 grand on a graded PSA charizard or PSA graded pack. I know the shadowless and first edition seem to be the tougher ones. Are the more abundant ones even worth putting money into ?
Any and all opinions would be welcome. If you have a PSA graded charizard from 1999 or graded pack, then perhaps we can work something out.
I thought it would be a nice item they could share over the years. Maybe put in a rule that no shares can be sold for 15 years. I don’t know.
don’t know much about Pokémon. have picked up on a few things here and there in passing, but if this is for christmas, I’d say get them each their own card. having 3 kids tied to one gift w/ rules and conditions doesn’t seem like much fun. also seems like you’re opening the door for a future argument there. just get them their own favorite characters card at a much lesser value to help them catch the collector bug and more importantly to do w as they please.
then perhaps buy the pack when you can, put it up for them and forget about it. bequeath it and then whatever they decide is amongst them. they’ll be older, wiser and in a better position to make the decision then. your thought process and heart are in the right places. the way things have gone lately w Pokémon, that’d be one hellavu surprise many years from now.
Some crazy high prices on the early Charizards lately. Good luck with whatever you decide.
I was unfortunate enough to sell a PSA 10 Charizard back in 2014 or so for $100, which was the going recently sold for 19k...ouch
I bought one for my son back in 2014, and we lost it. Paid a hundred for it back then, and felt a little guilty doing it.