Is this vintage team signed Chicago Bears football legit?

I recently acquired this Chicago Bears football and wanted your opinion as to whether the signatures are authentic. Walter Payton’s for example doesn’t look like any I’ve seen but as the ball is from the 70’s (possibly 1977) maybe it was before he stylized it?
I don't know anything about these signatures, but to me it looks like many were signed by the same person.
i'm a Bears lifer and and while that old school football is as cool as the other side of the pillow, the sigs on it are quite uncool. i could point out a number of "inconsistencies," but here's three:
i've never seen Payton come remotely close to signing his name like that. someone turned the 't' in his last name into a pentagram
look at Mike Spivey and Noah Jackson -- signed by the exact same person (as JBK noted)
unless Terry Schmidt had a sex change in the late 70s and decided to go from an 'i' to a 'y' in his first name, someone created quite a faux pas
probably not the type of response you were hoping for, but hopefully it gives you some direction
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Not the response I’d like but one I was expecting and appreciate you confirming what I thought. There are so many discrepancies with the signatures. I almost wish the football wasn’t signed as it is very cool as a vintage bears ball. Needless to say the ball will be going back... Thanks again
I don't know about the autographs on the ball but that's definitely an interesting locale you chose for taking pictures of it.