Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Since 1990, many USA states and cities have changed the holiday to Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Post your coins celebrating native peoples and/or the age of discovery!
First coin, maybe not the best example of this theme but the giant Ceiba tree and sun rays over the mountains always make me think of those early colonial times …
Nice coin 🙂
It's Columbus day to all the Americans I know!
Guess you don't know anyone in Alabama, Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, or Washington D.C. @amwldcoin @asheland
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It’s not darkside, but works nicely. 👍

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--Severian the Lame
Very nice indeed! One of my favorite uncles gave me his when I was in grade school. It was the first coin I ever submitted to PCGS, back in the early '90s
and now I can't seem to find the photos 
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