Value of commemoratives

Hi all!
In doing some playing around in my PCGS Registry, I noticed that my coin "Cost" was higher then my coin "Value"... this kinda disturbed me as I am pretty careful as to what I will pay for each coin.
Doing further research, I found that a number of coins didn't show a value but thier cost was still in the "Cost" calculation.
The coins were specifically the 4 Samoa quarters that I bought, as my warped sense of humor kicked in seeing Bats as the subject on those coins, and my Apollo/Haise and other Haise signed coins.
That caused my wondering if there was a way that the drop down to select what coins displayed could have an option to remove those without a value...
...and why those don't have a value associated with them... especially the Haise signed as the population for those is pretty low, and a couple are now what I am thinking, impossible to find...
Thanx and Clear Skies!
I mainly collect raw Ancients, PCGS Mercury Dimes, and raw CSA'S... but have misc other sets...Jeff
If you click on the details of your specific coin you can add a value yourself if it is not listed on the set registry. This is common for newer coins and obscure varieties that might not have a PCGS price guide value. Also, you can change the value of a coin with a PCGS price guide value if you believe the value is lower or higher than the price guide. I hope this helps!
It does, thanx!
If I enter a 'Value' when PCGS comes up with one, will it overwrite mine? I hope!
I mainly collect raw Ancients, PCGS Mercury Dimes, and raw CSA'S... but have misc other sets...Jeff
Yes. If the PCGS price guide puts a value of your coin at $100, you can overwrite that to $150 or $200 if you like.
Ok, I like the idea of me being able to put a value there if there isnt one, but when PCGS calculates one I'd prefer mine to be overwritten. I think it gives a better idea of average value. I can always put in the notes if there is some reason why a particular coin is worth more or less than the PCGS Value.
I appreciate your help!
I mainly collect raw Ancients, PCGS Mercury Dimes, and raw CSA'S... but have misc other sets...Jeff
The supply and demand for the coin decides the value.
I notice that for many other contemporary commems that PCGS does list a value. How long does it take for the demand to direct PCGS to indicate a value?
I mainly collect raw Ancients, PCGS Mercury Dimes, and raw CSA'S... but have misc other sets...Jeff
If You complain often and loudly...You might see an update to coin guarantee it will exceed your Cost - I have seen about a dozen values updated...and have at least 2 dozen coins with no value
But be advised that the value of any specific coin is no higher than what someone is willing to pay for it
Even if a coin goes on sale on eBay for 50% off...I might not be inclined to buy it if I already have one unless it's the only one or very last one available world-wide
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