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1935 10 Centavos Mexico - 'Monograma'

ELuisELuis Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭✭✭

Hello All,

I think this it is going to be my first topic here.

Want to post, about a lot of 22 coins, that I have now for almost two years, and recently were graded, first to share about this particular 10 centavos coin and known as Monograma, that was minted only in the years of 1919, 1920, 1921 and 1935.

The large amount of copper on these coins, end up putting to melt, to produce other coins.

The grades are as follows:
Grades #Coins
MS67 2 RD
MS66 5 RD
MS65+ 2 RD
MS65 7 RD
MS65 1 RB
MS64 1 RD
MS64 4 RD

PCGCS Pop MS67 RD - 2
NGC Pop MS67 RD - 3

PCGS 64-67 Total Graded: 151
NGC 64-67 Total Graded: 180

Some image capture samples of each grade:

The second part, is that these coins will need a new home, and I will try to post on the proper forum here, any news about it, once they go to sell, would like if possible to sell all directly the 20 graded from 64-66, and the two graded 67 maybe separate.

Any comments, recomendations are very welcome!



  • pruebaspruebas Posts: 4,582 ✭✭✭✭✭

    A large hoard of these came to market in 2012. I have no idea how many were in the hoard, but judging from the pops, it seems like several hundred pieces.

  • ELuisELuis Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Is the second time I heard about that.

    Maybe, that not too many have been graded nor here or on the other place, per the coin facts or population pages.

    There was a recent sold of a MS65 $395USD on 8.26.20.

    I am not thinking (and know is not a good idea), to sell those at way too high prices, to me the 20 can be at a flat let say 63 or less grade price. And maybe for the two 67's can be a different approach.

    I heard you, there is no rush at all.


  • AbueloAbuelo Posts: 1,843 ✭✭✭✭✭

    These are nice coins.

  • ELuisELuis Posts: 1,132 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I finally got the package with the second batch of coins I sent for grading (NGC), all the 22 are now on a box.

    Have a question, I have seen here on the Buy, Sell & Trade World... board, that some place: Check for payment, how that works? If that can work, guess it can be a better choice.

    On the other hand, maybe the next option is on ebay, but this will add any extra fees.

    I will need to open a new topic on the Buy, Sell & Trade World... board, with the prices as single or one price for all, in case someone here may end up interested.

    Here are the current PCGS population:

    And on NGC:

    Thank you,

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