As Mac says, it is a Toothed Border on the obverse and a Beaded Border on the reverse. R17 (16-50 believed extant). Standard issues were either Beaded on both sides (which caused production problems) or Toothed on both sides (the norm going forward for Vicky bronze).
Can you elaborate more on this subject.
Thank You.
Be still my heart .... a Wybrit sighting!
Sweet TB/BB; Freeman 498, 2 + A?
Looks like she could go MS65BN, or maybe a 65RB ..... nice and smooooooth, that one!!! I love smooth, creamy coppers!
As Mac says, it is a Toothed Border on the obverse and a Beaded Border on the reverse. R17 (16-50 believed extant). Standard issues were either Beaded on both sides (which caused production problems) or Toothed on both sides (the norm going forward for Vicky bronze).
Cool !
Kudoo's on the find also.
And I must say in great condition.
64RB, very nice find !!!
Well, just Love coins, period.
Beautiful farthing Wybrit!
Conder tokens
19th & 20th Century coins from Great Britain and the Realm
Nice farthing. How's Chelsea doing?
wybrit, MacCrimmon, and farthing showing up in the same current thread,
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Nice coin... Great to read the comments from folks that should try a post more often. As always, great to hear from you Wybrit, Mac and Farthing
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Very nice! MS63 BN
My YouTube Channel
And the answer is...65RB!
ex Allerton, ex Cooke, ex Staines collections.
Nice coin, and a genuine attribution. Progress is being made
That is a stonking example of a very rare coin. Congrats 👏
How's Chelsea doing?
Last time I checked Chelsea was ahead of Arsenal on goal difference, though I suspect neither us are particularly pleased with our teams.