Hey bidask, I have a killer coin too!

A REAL killer coin, that allows you to trim your nails too, after the murder. 😂😂
Inherited by my father in law, British playboy, very successful power boat racing driver among others , with championships and such, he got this WTF knows where, he couldn’t remember either when he passed it on, and he used to pass out a lot, not pass things on. 😅
Probably the (confiscated?) item of an inmate in a French, British or other European dungeon prison of the times, this 5 francs with Louis Philippe , 1842 , was not an innocent crown for an inmate coin collector or a coin for the canteen, but there were no canteens at the time and inmates were certainly not using cash, it was a coin weapon that supposedly could give the inmate heavy leverage
against his guards or more likely other hated inmates.
How did it get into my father in law’s hands, don’t ask if you don’t wanna be lied to. 😇
Cool item though, hein?
Come to think about it a little, maybe inmates WERE using cash 170 years ago, and items like this maybe forced the “management” and the wardens around the world to avoid cash, and little by little all sharp objects, or potentially sharp objects, but there is no limit to the inmates’ ingenuiosity, is there? Look at the self made “knives” from innocent plastic toothbrushes, (or am I watching too much tv?) What else are they going to do if serving a life time sentence?
Hi Dimitri
Yes it is a cool item. Why do you think he gave it to you ...not someone else? Interesting that he carried this around with him for so long.
Wonder why this item intrigued your father in law ?
Ah ...go ahead and tell us how it got into his hands .....lie or not !
Your descriptions make me think of the movie Papillion with Dustin Hoffman and Sreve McQueen....great movie.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
No way to ever make this movie better again, like the recent remake with Chris Hemsworth and other kids. Man we got old, we talk like Abe Simpson! 😂😂😂😂
In all honesty, he didn’t give it to anyone, he was not much of a giver..... After he died , his two girls went through his stuff, one of them being my ex wife, and they found this as well as powerboat racing medals that Serena (the mother of our daughter and ex) gave them to me as none of the two had the slightest interest in daddy’s stuff except for hot or cold hard cash. 🤑🤑🤑
Keep that in mind collectors with heirs -is atom online? 😆-!
That's a Man from UNCLE gizmo for sure! Or Maxwell Smart maybe. Peace Roy
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Funny you should say that, because the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the image was "Louis Philippe, reimagined by Hugh Hefner".
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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Not to burst any bubbles—I really enjoyed the story and good humor—but I have a very similar "pocket piece" with the exact same style of knife and file on swivels. Mine is a different coin type, but the rest is the same. I think I got mine on eBay circa 2015.
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And I’m starting to believe that these are modern reproductions after close examination, and not at all « killer coins » made by inmates in Western Europe in the mid - late 19th or early 20th century . More likely Chinese(?) made early 21st century....